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Chapter 32


Please if you'll find any information let me know it's very urgent .

I requested to the investigation team not able to take this hospital atmosphere .

After requesting for the hundredth time the doctors had finally allowed me to make a call . My state was not that miserable tho I had just hurt my forehead which resulted in bleeding which is also not some major bleeding . Thankfully I hadn't lost much blood.

I tensed my brows and sighed giving the phone to the nurse who came with a tray of soup . Herbal soup they say that sucks .

I felt her footsteps nearing my bed as she placed the tray in the side table . I didn't look in her direction .

I turned my gaze towards the window

Where was she .

I took a long breath as I remembered that incident . So irresponsible of me . I shoudnt have told her to come I pressed my fingers on my forehead the pain was still there but the reason was something else . What did I do . How was she where was she ?

How the heck did they entered.

I feel like a coward who failed to protect his employes

I took in a breath trying absorb all my grief .

What kind of headofficer I was who can't even guarantee the security of his employes .

I teared my eyes from the window remembering Jin was on the other bed of this room . I can't even visit him .

Doctors won't tell me but I heard them saying his situation was critical just after the operation .

He had hit his head to a wooden table which caused in blood loss .

What the hell did I do .

He was still unconscious in his bed .

God forbid if something happens to him or yn I will never be able to forgive myself.

I have to do something but first I need to get out from here .

I looked at the side table where the soup was kept .

I want to get out .

Just then the door craked open and I diverted my eyes towards at the side .


She came running inside and stopped right infront of my bed.

Taehyung !

Her breath hitched . From her state I can make out she was dying to come in but the docters didn't allow her .

She opened her lips to say something but I interrupted .

Yea okay ! Have a sit . I'm fine honey .

She widened her eyes ready to stomp me over with her questions . Her neat pony tail and that pink dress suited her well but it looked like she had come running from her house . All worried because of me . Her face was all red and tensed as if she was tensed thinking about my state the whole time .

Tae I swear I was so worried .

She came over close to my body touching my face with her palms making sure if I was fine .

As soon as she came closer her scent filled my body . That same scent which drives me crazy .

I took in her smell that was the only thing that relaxed me and calmed my heart.

She touched my forehead

Oh my god Tae . The blood how did this happen ?

I hold her hand

She looked at me with that same wide eyes .

I smiled .

Honey , have a sit first .

She gave up and sat on the chair which was placed beside my bed .

I took her hand in mine .

I'm all good okay . Don't worry I'll be discharged soon and about the accident it happened suddenly we also don't know how they entered suddenly with so much security .

She relaxed her breath and placed her other hand covering both of our hands.

Tae , I'm worried , your job is risky but you are passionate about it . You love your job i totally understand but it scares me . It includes criminals and criminals are risky . I support you I always will but I was just worried . So worried .

I understand .

I lifted her hand and gave a light kiss.

She smiled .

Thank you for supporting me with my job .

I told her

Her eyes were sparkling with tears about to fall but she restricted it . I looked at her face . I can't get over her no matter how much I stare at her .

She's always beautiful . I still can't believe we are getting married in few months .

Then the nurse entered these people can't give us a little privacy .

Time up
She said her same shitty voice as if I was in a prison . I need my fiance with me you can fuck off .

Witch .

I glared at her but then a little giggle from haerie distracted me .

I aksed

She looked with her big sparkly eyes and smiled . The most beautiful smile which makes my heart jump in my ribcage .

Nothing , you are cute .

With that she got up but before she gave me a kiss on my cheek

Take care I'll visit you after some time.

And her scent left my nose

Shit I already miss her .

That witch entered looking at the soup

I don't t want to have it but Moreover I don't want her to feed me

I looked at her

I'll have it you don't have to come .

She scanned at me and then closed the door with a mild thud .

After sometime when I was still thinking how to get out from this cage The door was opened again

This time there were some officers of the investigation team they all came in one by one and one tall guy started speaking .

Sir , we investigated about Yoongi but we couldn't find anything .

I tensed my brows
What do you mean ?

Sir actually , like nothing we found about him . No parents and there's no proper address also so that we can get him .

I looked at him in disbelief what on earth does he mean they couldn't find the address .

Okay listen up when I get discharged till then if possible find his address we'll go there together .

I ordered them they all nodded and went out of the room .

I exhaled the air confused as anything the more I think the more my head hurts

Who the hell is Min Yoongi . What was his identity ?

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