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Chapter 47

Yumi was not there . I don't know where she was but she was not there I wanted to ask Yoongi and also about the conversation before my panic attack I wanted to know everything I was eager to know . Looking at yoongi I don't feel the slightest thing that he's planning something against me especially when I think now that he killed Tyler because he tried to touch me . He was a danger to me . Then who were they talking about in the room that day.

I closed the book . It was a romace thriller never thought Yoongi would suggest such books and gladly it was great . The chemistry between the two characters the spiciness it was so good . But in real I had much other things to deal with.

I don't even know what situation I'm in exactly . Yumi was nowhere how can she disappear suddenly? Were they talking about killing Yumi that day ?

Also where's Jimin ? I didn't see him  all these days .

Just then the door got opened and my eyes got excited at the person

Min Yoongi .

He had put on his specks and I swear he looked hot.

Freaking hot.

Before I could react his gaping voice covered the air .

We are going to Spain .

My mouth hunged open

Who ? We ? What .

Did he say we ?

I couldn't hold back and asked him
We ? Both of us . I stressed on us .
Not believing at his words this was a dream

Yes . Flight is of tomorrow be ready . He said and closed the door

I immediately got up as he exited I was all good by now but was this real ? Like we both on a vacation ? Has something gotten into him ?

Next day

For me even the 24 hours were not enough from the shock and the bomb he dropped yesterday I thought I was still in some dream so I pinched myself lightly nothing changed but we were both sitting in a private plane .

Only us .

He was sitting beside me and I was holding my breath . He was again in his formals black . Back to black I was very coucious about my heart thumping in my ribcage What if Yoongi could hear my heart beat.  Stress was bad for me but this is a good kind of stress how can one person get butterflies in this situation .

He was reading one magzine I had also picked up one but my attention was zero on that paper I was fully focusing on the man who's holding one.

His rings on his fingers  but he kept his ring finger empty tho all the fingers were in lavish rings .

He was turning one page by one and like that my heart beat was in control of his  one by one thump thump thump .

Only Jesus could save me from this

Control yn for fucks sake .

My brain snapped because my heart was shameless .

I took in a breath and turned my magzine down cuz it was not helping . I tried to doze off but still fuck it nothing was helping at this point .

He turned towards me eventually .

You okay ?  He said holding his magzine

Thump thump thump .....

Ahhm- ye-a . I gulped .

You want something ? He asked again not buying my fake behaviour

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