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Chapter 33


The moment I opened my eyes which I was not aware of were closed . I strained then together and a light pain struck my head I strained my eyes and winced .

I was lying on a very comfortable matress but when I turned my head and observed my surroundings I gasped , as if all my senses together hit me at once .

What is this place ? Where was I ?.

I immediately got up and realised I was sleeping in a king sized bed I moved my eyes around the room . It was very huge and the ceiling was carved with luxurious decor . The whole room looked like a palace itself . It was freaking huge golden and white just like those palaces .

I looked at my outfit it was the same as before

Wait .

Did Tyler bring me here ? That bastard what the hell ?

I pushed the huge blankets that covered my body and dropped my legs down

As soon as I got up I scanned the room there was nobody I made my steps towards the huge golden door And pushed it with both of my hands

There was no one .

I looked around and back at the room if I could find any weapon to protect myself later if I happen to witness that fucker but there was nothing . I pushed the door more and then went outside .

I was kept in one of the top rooms there were many rooms in here and then the round huge staircase . I looked from top if I could see anyone

Nobody .

How come no one is there but leave good for me I hurried towards the stairs but careful enough to not make a noise . Again I searched in the hallway if I could find anything but nothing was there .

My shoes were making slight sound but it was not that audible still I was nervous but more I was angry . He bought me here ? For what ... Bloody asshole

As I reached the hall there were many doors down .

I was looking around observing the place but then

I heard some sound .

Car ?

But why the sound was so irritating like as if somebody purposely going round and round screeching .

As if curiosity hitting my body I dragged my feets towards the noise

Basement .

Behind there were stairs going down it was the basement most probably I saw one huge rod near those steps .


I took it just for protection .

With that I made my way towards the dark steps and they took me to the place which I guessed before

Dark and terrible I should describe it . The more down the stairs went the more dark it became but thankfully there were glass windows and more thankfully the sun was there .

There were two huge rods in the middle of the basement and to those rods huge chains were hanging .

Did he tie some animal over here ?

That looks horrible and The more I stayed the more things around me came into vison

My feet trembled

Blood .

What the fuck ?

I took few steps back stretching my neck upwards I saw all blood on the back wall

Did he kill someone ?

Why all blood is splashed on the wall?

then my eyes went towards the floor

God .

There was so much blood

What is this place ?

There was more sunlight coming from somewhere but from where ?

I turned around and saw a half opened shutter .

The voice became clear I was so into the basement thing I didn't even notice the sound that same irritating screeching sound

Taking one more scan I bent and scooted down .

Fuck .

There were alot of men in black suits they were standing like watching something .

I took in a sharp breath .

What were they looking at ?

I narrowed my eyes and then opened them wide .

One of the man who was standing there he was blocking my view but then he moved

Thank God .

I saw one black jaguar speeding on to the area round and round . What was going on ? Was the driver out of his freaking mind-


I immediately covered my mouth .

There was a man hands tied up behind the car and was being all dragged , he was hurting so badly

Oh my GOD.

There was all blood and his situation was worst . I can't even look at he looked brutally worst .

But as soon as I saw the man being dragged my eyes widened and all the air got knocked out from my body .

His hands came out .



What was happening ? What is this -

As soon as the person got knocked out and as if God listened to my numerous questions the person driving stopped the car and came out .

I slouched my head more as if that would help


I witnessed the person I would have least expected .

My body gave up on responding

My nervous system failed

Min Yoongi ??

What the -

What was happening ? Can somebody explain me what's happening ? Who was the person he was torturing this much , is this his place ? How he brought me here ? Why was I here ?

I blinked a few times and gupled .

Finally I saw him .

He was here .

We were here .

I don't even know where will this go but now one think I know for sure is I will sue him . He will be behind bars for what he did but .

Rage fumed inside of me as I remembered how he had put me down and how he totured me by burning thr hospital how he fooled me and pretended to be the head officer just to remove the information .

He came out of the car and walked straight towards the person whom I supposed to be was dead . His face shined underneath the sun his black coat giving him the posture directly of the Devil . Right now he looked so freaking terrible . He had a few stains of blood on his face .

He had killed someone .

Right infront of my eyes

I will never forgive you Min Yoongi . you'll tell me why you pretended to be the head Officer and killed people . what's your real identity ,

you'll get the punishment for what you did .

Bloody murderer .

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