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Chapter 21

By the way , who are coming ? I asked not showing my disagreement .

My college friends .

He said still being all happy

Ohh okay, your college friends that means Yoongi also ?

Yoongi ? I don't know about him , I tried to get his address but they told his house was closed since years and his phone number was not reachable so I was not able to contact him these years , why do you ask tho ? You know his contact ? You'll are in contact ?

You were surprised by his response , yoongi was your head Officer but he doesn't recognise you, if you tell jimin he will tell him , it's better to stay out .

Well uhhmm - No , I'm not in contact with him.

Ohkay , I'll leave then . Be ready at 7.00 pm I'll pick you up .

Yea okay !

7.00 pm : Evening

Yoo! I'm almost doneee! You said to yourself gazing in the mirror .

You were almost ready and were putting your not so high heels on .

Done ... I look stunning .
Today you wore your lace hat . Which was so aesthetic and classy with the black gloves .

With that you went downstairs as you heard the horn .

You yelled before locking the doors and putting all the lights off . But when you were about to step outside you tripped on your feet and fell down

Ohh God .

Jimin was standing outside the door but then he heard the yell .
He came running inside .

Yn ? Are you alright ?

He immediately went near you ,

Yea I'm - ouch ...

What happened yn ? His voice showed concern

My leg , I think it's cracked now ! It hurts...

Don't worry yn . Jimin immediately carried you and went upstairs towards your room .

He placed you on your bed and turned the lights on .

Are you okay ? He asked being all worried.

Tell me wheres the ointment I'll apply .

No no jimin , you'll be late, I'll do that , your friends must be waiting for you .

You felt pathetic ,
I ruined his evening also now , great , why I can't handle myself properly . I'm always a headache to others .

No yn , it's alright I can't leave you like this .

Jimin no , I'm saying this I will feel bad if you don't . I can help myself - wait what the ?

Is that the Mask in his pocket ??

No yn ! please let me help you .

You were still , processing what you saw . The mask ? What it's doing with him ? It's he's mask ? But if is yoongi's then he said he don't have contact with him ? What the actual heck is happening ?

By the time you were thinking Jimin was applying the ointment on your leg .

Done !
He said before closing the cap of the tube .

Jimin - I mean thanks , Jimin .

Don't mention . Il leave now , do you need something ?

No no , I'm fine .

Okay then

Yea thanks Jimin ! By the way Jimin , your mask looks pretty cool .

Ohh this , !

He just freaking shtutered .

Where did you buy it ?

Ohh this ? Uhhmmm ... This .... It was exclusive so I bought it online . Yea ...

Ohhhh .. online ? Cool it looks great !

I'll leave then . Call me if you want anything .

He got up and hurried downstairs with the noise of his footsteps vanishing .

What the heck did I saw just now ! Is Jimin ,.. no no then why he's lying ? What is happening ! Goddddd !

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