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Present day

5 June , Sunday 2022


I open my eyes feeling the heavy weight it feels like someone is pulling my head out from my body . Shit.

Was this all a dream ? What on earth-?

I get up immediately completely ignoring my parents .

Joice , yn is up ,

I look at the high pitched voice coming from the lady I'm related to

Mom , why I'm in the hospital ?

Everyone in the hospital wakes up theyvwere litrelly sleeping on the floor Mom , Dad my little sister Ana and Jin my best friend .

Shit shit shit . ..

Was this all a dream ? My breathing accelerates as Jin looks at me .

I try to control the tears , Yoongi ... I can't cry infront of them but unknowingly a tear slips from my eyes and I wipe it .

My child ,oh thank God you are awake , I'll call the doctor .

I blankly stare at the room while all the chaos is happening , my mom starts hugging me kissing me all over my face while my sister sits on the chair looking as delightful as ever . And Jin he stands up looking worried as if he knows what's going on in my mind .

While the doctor comes he orders everyone to go out for my checkups

I don't speak a word , I don't even know what to make out of it .

Nice , you are responding greatly to the medications ,by today you can go home . He smiles and writes something on his notepad .

I return the smile ,but inside I'm confused as fuck .

Next Day


Knock knock .

Who the hell now ? I told you mom I'm sleeping .

It's Jin .

Oh ,Jin come in .

He slowly pushes the door as he enters with a pink tee and blue jeans . It's litrelly 7.23 am . May be I know why he's here . After the hospital incident we haven't talked about it .

Sorry for coming this early but since we stay nearby I couldn't hold back the curiosity .

He sits on the bed

Jin and I are both good Neighbors also best friends we share litrelly everything he's more like a blessed big brother and I'm the luckiest to have him .

I know what you are thinking ,you had that dream again right?

I had a job interview on 3 June but due to this small accident  where my break failed and I ended up becoming unconscious , gladly nothing happened to me and I got out of the car before it hit a tree .

But this dream I had a glimpses of this dream at nights sometimes but never got a chance to complete it , I used to wake up halfway but when this accident happened it happened again I dreamt about it again ,Min Yoongi .....

My heart pains , I miss him now I know why I dream about him all these years ,

a tear falls and

Jin looks at me .

It's our past life , I know I sound messed but there's no other way we can put this up , I also had a few visions but nothing like you .
This world is all a cycle , everything comes back ,it's all connected .

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