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Yn , sit beside ...'


He looked at my face and and slightly tapped his hand beside

'Here .'

'Why ? '

Well I shouldn't have questioned him more

he stretched his eyebrows cocking them with lines visible on his forehead.

'Just come here !'

This time his voice was more commanding .. With his gaze strongly diving into me .

I can't handle this , I immediately jumped out of my chair and sat beside him but not too close .

He took his typewriter which I noticed just now and opened it .

He clicked on some folder and pointed towards the info which he had found out .

So that means he was also working on it and here I thought I was the only one dying .

even tho I was not sitting that close to him , I was feeling the heat building up inside of me . God , why am I like this ?! I should act normal , normal normal yn ........

Suddenly he shifted his gaze towards my direction , looking at my face ...


'Tomorrow you're coming with me .'

'What? Whe-re ? '

' I'll tell you tomorrow , '

'What - I mean '

I just can't take his stare , he's so intense . But everytime he stares or looks at me like that I feel my heart is jumping inside . I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help .

He's so gorgeous , I can't believe he's with my best friend . In a relationship . I can't forget what he did and said to me in the past .

Yoongi was elaborating about the case details , slightly moving he's fingers from he's type writer where there was a
paper struck and some things were typed .

Which he himself found out about the case and there were a few theories which he wanted to show you .

Non of the things were fitting into your brain as you were busy exploring his facial features .

Without even knowing he's eyes moderately moved from your eyes to the bottom .

And then landed on your lips .

You were snapped back .

Wait - this is not what I am thinking ..... Is he staring at my lips-

'See you tomorrow'

he moved his eyes on the other side and shortly stood up with his typewriter and packed it inside the bag .

Jesus yn , what the heck were you thinking . I guess I have to take some rest I'm day dreaming too much .

Next Day :

'woahhh, the sun is so bright today ,'

seperating the curtains you took the fresh air after opening your huge windows .

The sunlight shattered into your room ,
you felt refreshed and good .

Eerie || Min Yoongi  Where stories live. Discover now