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Chapter 38

Yn :

I left out a breath I hate when people order me I caught my suitcase and arranged all my clothes one my one in the cupboard . Yoongi's cupboard was not there that was very weird and a point to note down where does he keeps his clothes ?  But as usual I let it brushed why would I care ? I just want some clue's.

After arranging my things here and there I comforted my body on the big king sized bed . It was huge and the smell a little hint of mint was just like Yoongi and for some reason I liked it . I took in a long breath and closed my eyes the air was fresh and cold the windows were bright and the view outside was great . This was was awesome but I can't waste my time.

I got up and checked if there were any secret doors or rooms the walls looked normal but then I pressed my palms against it and there was nothing it was just a normal wall . A sigh escaped my mouth

I can't believe this .

And then I heard a knock with a soft voice

Yn ? May I come in ?

The voice I recognised it was Jimin.

I was not in a mood to have a friendly conversation with him after what happened between us but I have to do this he might be a help hopefully .

I unlocked the door and he was standing  looking like a pale doll but still he managed to keep his low smile .

What do you want ?  My voice was demanding and a pinch of anger in it , it came naturally I don't want to sound rude but I was not to be blamed for.

Can we talk ?

I thought for a second observing his face he was sorry but I don't want his sorry He was with Yoongi meaning he was not my friend but a partner with my enemy .

I nodded and he came inside he sat on the bed and I sat next to him .

First it was silence but then he started

I'm sorry for whatever happened yn but right now need to tell you something .

I pinched my brows together now what's more to come ? Curiosity found its way on my fore head cuz the lines  it  caused

Yumi..  he gulped and then he stopped.

What ? Yumi ?

This time I was the one who looked pale paler  than white,  Yumi ? Seriously ? That bitch ? Why her name came to his mouth ?

What Yumi ? I asked going out of hand .

She - she's coming tomorrow. Here .

First it took me a whole damn minute to process his each and every word and then to make sense out of the words .

I grabbed the bed covers tightly and Jimin must've noticed he tried to reach to my hand but I slapped his hand away .

Why  the fuck are you telling me this ?  If she's coming than it's good for You'll . And that's when I realised that why Yoongi told me to shift to his room .

I smiled painfully at myself and glanced at Jimin . He looked worried why was he worried he should be happy that he's friend's girlfriend is coming .

Yn . I know it's -

It's nothing to do with me Jimin . I told him clearly . It was nothing they can do whatever they want .

Why am I kept here then ?

He kept quiet but then he took in a breath and let out .

It's not safe there out for you .

This took me by another surprise not safe ? Then you people are safe ?

So you'll are taking my safety measures ? What a lie . You'll just want some information about the Hazel Hospital and then God knows you'll can kill me and -

No yn . It's not what you think it is . We never thought of putting you in any danger and Yoongi . Yoongi can never hurt you .

He's voice became soft and mine were stuck on his words.

Why Yoongi can't hurt me ? I let out softly

Listen yn . I'm just here to tell you that
Yumi is .. My step sister.


Yes .

Step sister ? Yours ?

Yea .he hesitated to speak further but then he brushed his tongue to his lips and spoke.

Her dad married my mom at the end of  the final year of  college  my parents and her parents had gotten a divorce so when finally the friendship got stronger they decided to get married her dad had many hotels here and there around the countrys.

And  here there were two one was on the other side of the city and one was in this .

Which you already know .

Hazel Hospital.

I gulped a hard lump this is all fucked up .

He continued .

After my stepdad  the hospital was given  to Yumi and it was obvious but later something happened . Very dangerous and it breaks my heart my whole body gives up remembering those harsh things I can't tell you now that yn please believe me what you see is not how it is .

Also Don't be hurt when you see yumi an d Yoongi together and I -

I looked at him in harsh confusion

Why would you think that  .

Because I know you like him . Alot .

My eyes got wide and a blush crept on my cheeks suddenly it was hot , was it so obvious ? Yes I very much hated the fact that Yumi was back fucking entering my life again but if Yoongi was okay with this I have nothing to do with it . I will just fulfil my task but what I heard from Jimin just now made things a lot more confusing and disturbing than it already was .

And he's not willing to tell me further things .

Why do I feel suddenly upset why do I feel like as if what I assumed Yoongi to be before was not true . Am I wrong in this ?

Jimin looked at me .

It's okay to feel that way yn . I know how you feel but trust me you are not lost just wait for the right time and everything will be okay first for me also it was very difficult to take in but by the time always becomes back to normal the only thing is , you will be hurt in all this but please be strong .

What was  he saying ? Hurt ? me ? Right time ?

You'll are planning to hurt me ?

No . But fate is .

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