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"No no ... We were it's just weird I don't know ."

"What's weird ? Is everything okay , you can share it with me yn ."

Flashback :

- ( St. Teresa's College )

Final year -:

"finally college is overrrrrr...... Wow it ended just so fasttt.... "

Exaggerating her voice Yumi dramatically raised her hands showing off her puffed sleeves in the air, not able to hide her excitement .

Dramatically She turned her gaze towards me and gave me a slight smirk .

"What ?" I questioned her not getting her behaviour

"What you thought ? Finally our graduation is over . And people have been handed their jobs in the university itself . What you will do miss yn ?"

"What is wrong with you ? Are you on something ? " I asked her completely not knowing what this girl was trying to tell.

"Min yoongi ! What he's doing ? He had an interview right? from the medical department ?"

"Gosh this girl , when you will stop teasing me huh . I don't know , may be he gave the interview , he probably have got the job by now could be tomorrow he's working . "

"And what are you doing ! Whole freaking three years you wasted . I just told you to confess your feelings but no . You are just weird ."

"Just stop it ! You know well that I can't just confess it like this . Do you even know how many girls are after him . Gladly he's department and ours is close . But so many pretty girls are after him , giving him proposal letters and all he has done is denied them. "

"SO WHAT ? it's good for you .good he denied them all . Bloody they don't deserve him also ."

"Okay now stop let's go now . Planning to stay here ? "

"I'm not leaving unless you tell me ."

"What ?"

"Will you tell him about your feelings ? Atleast try , "

"Yahh! What is wrong with you , why are you behaving like this ?"

"I'm just thinking your good my friend . Just give it a try . Or you can write a letter may be "

Well right now I have given an interview and most of us got jobs as we were in the investigation department . Only few people were not able to make it up but they were hired by some other groups .

Min yoongi was not from our department . He's department was the medical one and obviously he has to get a job cause he was the topper, himself .

"Well for your information he got a job and will be working since tomorrow and I know very well that you are good at writing letters so I think you should write a letter and give it to me I'll be your matchmaker ."

I flikered my eyes in shock just to take in the nonsense she blabered .

"What the- did you just spy on him , but how ? "

"I have my ways you know ! Now stop this crap and write the letter ." she replied with the same irrelevant tone of her's.

She's right tho since when am I going to think about him now and then . I should make things clearer , although the chances are less but still I'll try to write it . If He rejects then it will be easier for me to move on .

If I like someone I like them with everything . Min Yoongi was not just a crush , He was more than that . When I was young I had a valve demage in my heart . Doctors told my parents that I will not survive . I had to go through a lot of surgeries but still it was of no use .

Yoongi's father was a doctor and he used to visit his father in the hospital .

There was nobody who can donate me their heart valve ,
because of this my parents were in misery . My mother litrelly used to cry every night and my dad was helpless . Which parent's can bear the pain if their only child was dying ?

But then suddenly the doctor called my parents and held an urgent surgery . When asked the doctor who agreed to give their valve he didn't spell a word .

The surgery was successful and I had a new valve in my heart . As if somebody's heart saved mine . I was dying to know who donated me their heart valve , same goes to my parents . I wanted to thank that person cause that person took all our pain .

When my father asked the doctor who was the one he said that his son did it . We were all shocked . We have already seen his son before, even I knew . I had seen him many times meeting his father , but never , ever in my life I thought he will save my life .

We thanked the doctor , my parent's were both in tears . Even I to be honest didn't know how to thank him.

I thanked him but the joy and the the thing I owe them was more just than the thanks ' . They were litrelly life saving angel's to me ! The doctor said we should thank his son cause it was his decision .

And why his son did this, the doctor himself was not knowing . He forced his dad to agree to this and the doctor couldn't say no . Because it was his duty to save his patients .

I was never this thankful to anyone . We really wanted to thank him . And why he helped me like this ! I wanted to know , I really wanted to meet him .

To be continued........

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