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'Seems like you are too happy' , jimin said slightly looking at my face .

'I ammmmm…. Look at this place , it's so good .'

'I'm happy that I made you feel good !'

'Thanks Jimin , thanks a lot !'
Without realising I just hugged him with my hands wrapped around his neck .

But as soon as I realised what I did , I slightly tried to remove my hand around his neck but he hold my waist . Bringing me more closer  to him .

I could litrelly sense his cheek on mine .

He buried  his face more inside my crook .

'I missed you yn ! '
He whispered deeply , sending shivers down my spine .
I felt his warmth in the crook of my neck .

What he's doing ? 

'Uhmm- Jimin , can you leave .'

'No '

'What ?'

'I want to hold you '

He hold you more tight .

'Jimin ! What happened ? '

You asked totally not understanding.

He slowly lifted his face from your your neck and looked into your eyes .
He's eyes were sparkling and under the moonlight .

With his hand he removed your few strands of hair which were on your face due to the breeze .

He traced your strands with his fingers , looking into your eyes . He was still holding you , with your hands on his chest . 

You were just looking at his actions not knowing how to handle this .

'You are so beautiful yn '

He said with his eyes showing full admiration towards you .

'Jimin, what are you doing ? '

You hessitated  to speak . This was the first time you saw Jimin like this .

He was never serious about relationships before and just flirted around with girls just that but now ?….

He released you from his hold and took both of your hands in his .

'Yn …. I want to be direct , I - I like you …. I like you alot .'

Your eyes went big , this was so shocking to you .
 Crush ? On me ? Since when ? What is happening  ? Did he say he likes me ? Nobody ever was serious about me .

And as far as I know nobody ever had a serious crush about me .

You just looked at him , but you didn't felt anything . You were just a little scared and shocked by this .

He  rubbed  his thumb in your hand . You slightly shivered . 

'I had a crush on you since college , I really liked you but then I tried to talk to you but didn't get any courage to talk to you about my feelings .

I know you will be like I used to be very playful , all the time around girls winking and flirting , but that was just to grab your attention , I tried to grab your attention but you seemed not to notice.'

Grabbing my attention ? Was he actually trying to grab my attention and I didn't notice ? Yea I just used to talk to him like  normal friends but my eyes were all on yoongi .

' Yn , you don't know how much I tried to find your address . I wanted to meet you so badly . I really missed you more than anything and from that day I came to know how much you meant to me I , I-


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