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Chapter 42

[ Advised to listen to your fav Sad Ost for  Y/N's Pov ]


Dark and weary with no lights and particularly not a single trace of human being . Once upon a time this place used to be the heart of the city why suddenly no more people living here ?

I rolled my neck and hunkered my nose with the smell of wood and trees . The furniture was gone and nothing was there but the house was not destroyed just from outside it looked old must be because of the dark it appeared to be like that .

The floor was in good condition leaving the furniture .

The walls surprisingly looked clean . There were no lights but the moonlight coming through was enough .

I gaped on my other side to search Taehyung and he already positioned himself with the gun .

I think there's nobody . But still it looks in good condition may be he visits this place?

May be . He pushed his gun inside staring here and there .

Let's find something .

Inclining with him I went further into the dark doorways . The doors here were not closed

Just then we heard somebody's footsteps making their way towards the door and it dropped at the hallways .

We both looked at each other and then removed our guns

We both silently pulled on the trigger but still it made some sound.

I went out first

As if suspecting we heard a male voice

Who's there ?

I looked behind at my back

Taehyung signalled as if it's no harm and we both made our way outside the hall but we didn't put our guns in .

It was a old man standing with a little bit of what we could see was fear.

Who are you'll what are you'll doing at my house ? .

Your house ?
My voice coming out as a disbelief

Isn't it Min Yoongi's house ? Taehyung added to my question making it a complete sensible thing for the old man to understand .

He's fear was replaced by anger now he didn't looked like the man who inspected some random dudes in his house he was a complete other personality . He tightened his brows and thickened his feets on the floor .

How you'll know my son ?

In a split second the situation took a huge turn .

Your son ? Before I could process and say anything Taehyung already shooted fitting in my own shoes of incredulity .

Taehyung's expression was the mirror image of my face .

Lack of conviction .

Yn :

It was litrelly 4:56 a.m and I wasn't asleep and they were still out . But then Jimin came inside .

You haven't slept ?

His expression changed from calm to worried he made his way towards the bed

I don't know I got up and sat leaning my heard against the headboard of the bed .

What happened ? You need something ?

I shook my head as no Instead I need somebody to delete each and every memory of Yoongi the past the present everything . I hate to admit but yes , I'm hurt I'm jealous .

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