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Chapter 54


My heart is pounding so loudly it may fall out

We finally found Y/n and it made me more than happy but she was as if somebody took out  life from her

As soon as we reached however the so called warehouse which Taehyung had found out we found Y/n inside the basement with a  terrible dead body of some random girl .

We are again in the hospital with yn she seemed sick without uttering a word and all pale . What might have happened ? And as for yoongi we still didn't get hold of him but when his father said he was dead we were both taken back by the edge .

The door got opened and the doctor came out

We rushed towards him

How's yn ?

She's good just a little shocked ,she's very upset which is resulting in her sickening ,please try to make her happy .

Sad ?

Taehyung stands besides me

Can we meet her ?

Yes .

We both share glances and thank the doctor before entering the room .

Yn is staring blankly at the ceiling ,my chest tightens looking at her face. 

What happened ? I swear if that Yoongi did something-

I rush towards her and kneel at her bed

Yn ? How are you feeling .

Tae follows me and stands beside the bed .

She looks at us

Everything okay , Yoongi -

She closes her eyes and i can see her tears clouding

I hold her hand

Yn what happened ? Tell me .

I look at tae and now he also kneels

Did Something bad happened?
Tae asks with the same worry

She inhales a deep breath

He's gone ...
a tear falls on her cheek

Who's gone ?

Tae looks at me in confusion

Yoongi ,he's gone .

I don't want to give her more stress Yoongi is dead that's what was told to us by his father but now ,how is this possible he killed all the people and how he can be dead . At this point it's not proper to ask her anything

I look at yn

Don't worry , everything will be fine .

I hold her hand firmly until she falls asleep .

We both exit the room .

What the hell on earth is happening ? Tae exclaims creasing his forehead

Only she can explain us . Because yoongi was with her all this time let her be in a more stable condition we'll see later .
I say and he nods pressing his lips in a thin line

After a Week .


Y/N  is discharged a couple of days ago but still she remains quiet doesn't want to eat or drink i don't know how to ask her , I understand something must have been with Yoongi .

Was he really dead ?

But i can't get myself to ask yn about it how can I when she's all like a lifeless soul . It's like all the energy from her is drained out .

But now i really feel like asking her , i wamt to know what's the thing that's troubling her for so long . What happened with Yoongi .

But then she comes towards me

I've troubles you alot recently haven't I ?

What - no it's not-

Don't lie Jin ,I'm sorry for troubling you but now I feel like talking .

She looks weak .

Listen yn ,if you don't want to talk about it we can -

No ,I want to . You deserve to know .

Okay then . Sit here .

She nods and deposits herself on the big chair opposite to mine.

Now tell .

Her eyes change from sorrow to deep sorrow and she opens her mouth

Okay ... So ...


What ....

She tells me the whole thing from the start , his revenge ,his story about yumi and how he was protective towards her . Wow .....

I'm speechless ...

She cries while talking about it

It pains me looking at her , she never easily cries but now ..

I don't know how to live Jin .   I can't. 

I quickly hold her hand  . I know these things seems out of the world but it has happened and it's real it's the truth .

Look at me yn

She stares with burdened eyes

And I can't bear her like this being so weak .

The yn I know is a strong girl who can overcome anything . He promised you didn't he ? You'll will meet again and I know this you know it also that I'm never wrong with my gut . I know it will happen but don't be this weak . Do you think he will feel good  when he sees you crying like this . Being so weak ?

She shakes her head .


You are right , he promised me ,I'll wait for him .

Good , now like a brave girl go and eat your lunch ,I've made your favourite kimchi fried rice .

She smiles and my chest feels light

She hugs me .
Thank you Jin for being with me all the time . And thank Tae also he had to face a lot of things because of me .

Yea , he was worried about you

I call Tae , to tell him to not worry and to also tell him about what yn told me , yoongi and the immortal things  After all afterlife is a real thing no matter the one's who believe or not but for the one's who've witnessed it ,is something that can never be forgotten .

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