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Chapter 50


When I exited the hotel I hoped I will cleary fucking loose my mind because I was so fucking close to loose my senses the way she kissed me on the ice rim I wanted to let go of all the morals and kiss her back but I can't and it hurts , it hurts so much that the one person who makes me smile who brightens up my day , I can't have her I can't keep her by my side because it's forbidden .

Hell , let the fate go in hell

I open the door to my car and slide the keys inside

If only yn could know who actually I am now .

I punch the steering infront of me but I can't feel any pain .

I lean my head onto the steering enough of my fate . Why it has to be like this ? Why?

All the memories flashes in me the days of the college when she used to stare at me in complete awe

I smile as I remember her face that was the cutest face I had ever seen

But that was just a bonus , the day when she played with a new transfer student and made her comfortable because no other person wanted to be near her just because she had a skin infection

The girl who never smiled in the course of the classes she made her laugh ,that was the most beautiful thing about yn . Since that day I kind of started stalking her .

And then I came to know she was the girl whom I donated my heart valve it was a coincidence . A complete coincidence but the fact that she had a piece of my heart made something inside of me swoon .

After my mother's death I was numb and a completely different kid but when I saw yn playing or talking with her friends , I also wanted to talk to her .

And the fact that I was never the type of a person to start a conversation made it impossible for me to go and speak first .

I just liked her back then just wanted to be friends with her and now ?

I start my car and turn the steering wheel in a turn

I press the break in more force than usual . When I remember my past I don't know why I regret my every decision . If only I had the control I would have gone back and told yn that I want to become friends with her atleast things would have been different but now it's all fucked up
all because of that bitch .

I close the door of my car and go to my secret Mansion . It's not a mansion actually just a dark three Flored house for fucked up people.

Walking towards the big black doors I find my men standing straight as ever .

I nod at them

Where is she ?

In the basement , she was crying but then Lien took care of everything .

Good , where's Lien?

With her

Okay .

I open the doors and I'm immediately greeted by a dark hallway

As expected from Lien she is perfect at her job I hired Lien because Yumi is a girl and I can't torture her the way I did it with the other fuckers .

I pace up and go down the stairs of the dark hall

As soon as I reach down There was a bare red bulb lighted in the centre.

Lien is doing a great job .

I look up and see that Lien is standing with her Riffle Gun and she points it on Yumi's head .

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