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Chapter 40


Yumi  was already a pain and now she was demanding and We were at the pitch of our plan Yn and Jimin had  already come and after entering the Mansion Jimin told she requested to sleep as she was feeling a little dizzy . I wanted to check on her but I can't And I feel fucking regretful .

It was midnight and she insisted on having a party to a disgusting club for now

how matter I hate it I have to tolerate.

I was wearing pitch Balck suit jimin stayed here in the house I told him to stay after just incase if yn needs something .

Just then i heard the heels clicking i turned around and saw the most fiithy bitch on earth .

First thought came was to kill her here just now at the moment , what she has done directly came in picture infront of my eyes

But i have to control

She will pay back

Life for life .

Death for death .

Then i remembered what i waited these years to do . I waited for her to come . My final prey and the most important one .

I scanned my eyes for a moment her face was the pure defination of disgust.

She came closer to hug me but I pushed back a step .

We are running late
I let out with a not so visible smile .

She looked tensed but then she smiled back

I still can't believe this bitch litrelly behaves as if nothing happened all these years My blood boiled at the thought of that night.

Before I went any further and made a blood shed I need to hurry up to the car .

She  moved her hand smoothening her curls as she walked passed me .

Humans are the worst creatures now I know why .

I held my gun tightly and pressed it in my coat pocket inside .

But for the sake I felt the need to check up on yn before we left .

You go I'll be there in a few minutes
I gestured her .

She gave a half smile and made her way out .

Yn :

I heard some voices down the hall and I wasn't asleep yet . Tho I told Jimin I need some time I really wanted to leave from this place but I can't . Only thing I found out about Yoongi was that he was a doctor from Hazel Hospital and how he ended up here nobody knows .

Instantly I heard two consecutive firm  knocks on the door .

My breath hitched and I stiffened on my place . Usually if Jimin comes he just calls out my name but this was a clear signal that this was not Jimin .

Forcibly I pulled myself out from the bed and slowly went towards the door to unlock it . The moment I slid in the door I saw the most attractive figure leaning against the door .

Charming .

My eyes automatically stooped  at  his eyes

Emotionless .
As expected .

What you want ? I kept my voice still but otherwise I was distracted over a million of reasons and all were no doubt  because of him .

First he didn't say anything he kept staring at me as if I'm in some exhibition .

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