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Chapter 51

The operation was done successfully but there was no news about yn  . And this unknown man he was kept in ICU immediately after the operation

Anything about yn you came to know

We'll find her .

Are you crazy ? It's over a week and this man hasn't responded we don't even know if he's going to make it and you are telling me -

Jin , I understand your worry I'm also worried about yn and we have only this choice to wait .

And what if something happens to her ? I swear if something happens to her I'll not leave any one .

Jin. Calm down . We both know yoongi wouldn't harm her .

But still we can't trust him .

I place my hand on his shoulder reassuring him
he has all the right to get desperate like this but I have a guarantee than Min Yoongi won't harm yn at any cost because he saved her from that person after the blast .

But then I tried to join the dots what if possibly yoongi likes yn ? He never harmed her and by Jin they knew each other since childhood he even donated his heart valve to her .

Damn why didn't I get this before .

But I didn't tell this to Jin he's already upset pacing the hospital doorways he needs to rest .

I take a sigh and walk towards him

You should rest .

He looks at me with a blank stare ,his eyebags are more prominent now

I'm fine .

Just when I was about to say something the doctor comes out from the ICU our gazes shifts towards him and without bothering Jin walks past me .

How's he ?

The doctor nods at us with a neutral expression

He's responding to the medicine's and he's awake you'll can meet him .

A sigh of relief washes on both of us as we glance at each other , first time in days Jin looks somewhat relieved.

Thank you doctor .

We enter the room and he's lying there with a blank expression staring the roof .

We slowly walk towards him .

Doctor said you are all well now you can go back to your house tomorrow .

He doesn't even bulge

Jin glances at me telling me to get to the main point .

I look at him again

I hope you remember why we are here .

He doesn't respond so I go on

His face is paler than the last time we saw him talking.

Jin stands besides me now .

Are you really Yoongi's father ? My voice is low and doubtful

This time he looks at us I can't make out what kind of reaction he's giving to us but the silence is so much that it irritates me with the machines beeping on the side .

We don't have much time please say something-

We don't fucking have a whole day Jin lets out grinding his teeth together

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