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Next day :

It was 8.46 in the Morning and you were sleepy with the dark eyebags formed due to the overnight work .

All the night you spent finding all the information of the Hazel hospital and created a whole file .

You didn't get enough sleep and now kept yawning infront of your typewriter , you stuck little notes here and there across your table inorder to link few dates and timings .

Grabbing the coffee cup, you pressed the red fountain ink with more force onto the letters .

This is so bizarre , if yoongi was a doctor in that hospital then why he didn't tell me ? Atleast he should have given me some information instead me taking trouble and finding on my own . "

Why he didn't inform me about this ? And the most weird question is how can one become a head officer of the crime brach when he was already a doctor ? Isn't it too wierd to believe ?

Strange ! There's something which is going so wrong , I have to go deeper into this , may be it's not what it looks like...

Instantly you heard a knock on the door ...

"Who could be this now ?"

Promptly getting up from the seat you wore your slippers and went downstairs to unlock the door .

When you clicked the knob to open it you saw the person with a dense gray coat standing casually . Your eyes went directly to his face .


you immediately hugged him ,

"Woaa- take it easyyy , "

He returned you the hug .

"How are you ?"

You asked with joyyy building up inside you ,

he was your closet friend in the university.

"I'm good , what about you ? Why you didn't contact me ! I thought you forgot about me . "

"Why would I forget you Jimin ? I can't forget you ,"

you released the hug and called him inside .

He entered inside and sat on the couch ,

"What you want to drink ? Lemon tea ?"

"You sure you still do remember what I like after so many years ! "

"Yes ofcourse I do , sit here , I'll get you . "

"You prepared some hot lemon tea for both of you."

Holding both the cups In a tray with a beagal bread you went to the hallway where jimin was sitting .

"Here you go , "

He took it from you ,

Holding your cup You went to sit beside him .

"So what's up ! " You questioned him

He looked at you with a slender smile forming across his lips .

"Nothing , just wanted to meet you !"
He answered while taking a sip from his drink .

"After so many years ?" You asked mysteriouly just to frighten him as if you were angry .

"No , I mean , I was not in town , I got a transfer , now again I'm working here ."

You were observing his face , poor jimin , he got scared of my expressions .

You gave him a full cheek smile ,

"Yahh Jiminaa , cool . I was playing with you . just asking ."

"Yea I know . "

He said looking at your face . For some reason you thought he came here to tell you something and was beahving too shy .

"What happened jimin ? Why are you so shy ? Anything you wanna share ? "

"Shy-y? And me ? Ofcourse no - I'm just , it's a little hot here ! "

You felt awkward , he was really shy you thought , in the university he acted all extroverted and flirty but what happened now ?

"Are you sure ? "

"Yes- I am yn , don't worry ."

"Ohkay then ."

You both finished drinking your lemon tea and chatted a little bit , discussing all about your university days . It was really fun talking with him .

You'll both laughed at the silly jokes of your college days .

"God yn , it was so funy , he litrelly told the professor he was absent because he gave his shorts for washing ."

"What the heck jimin stop , I can't laugh more my stomach hurts ! "

"It's already time ?" He sad while checking the time

"I have to go yn , I have some work."

"Ohhh! Well okay , let's meet soon tho ."

You'll both stood up and hugged once again . But this time he hugged you for more seconds .

He was still holding you tight .

With his cheeks brushing yours .

You felt a little awkward , but just let it go because you'll met after so long .

"Uhmm ... Jimin , I think you should - "

He slowly released you from the hug and stared at your face .

You didn't know what was happening , it was so awkward .

He just stared at you as if he was admiring you.

"What is wrong , why is he behaving this way suddenly ? ".

"I'll leave now ,"

he said and went towards the door ,

"Bye yn , I had a good time , "

He went towards his car and unlocked it . I was standing beside my door .

He turned behind

"Let's meet up somewhere again ,"
and went inside the car .

He lowered the mirror of his car and provocatively winked , While swiftly turning the steering as he drove away .

"DID HE- "


You closed the door and came inside ,
"God why strange things are happening these days ? "

Eerie || Min Yoongi  Where stories live. Discover now