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Since Friday, I haven't done much. I've sat in my room, away from everyone. I haven't talked to Aella much. I feel bad for what I'm doing to her. I sat on my floor and bawled about Ace while she consoled me. What does that say about me? It makes it seem like I'm using her. But I'm not. I do love her. She means everything to me.

"Penelope", I hear Aella knock on my door. I don't say anything. "Your father wants to speak to you."

"Okay", I say quietly. She says nothing else.

I walk into my closet, put on a sweater and jeans, brush my hair, then leave my room. Aella stands guard next to my door, that is still her job after all. I walk past her, and when I'm a few steps away, she follows, as she's supposed to.

When I get to my father's office, he's on the phone, as usual.

"I have to go", he continues to nods his head as whoever is on the phone continues to talk. "Doc. I have to go." Then he hangs up.

"Sweetheart", he gleams. "How did you sleep? Didn't you love the Gala on Friday? It was wonderful, no?"

Something's happened. My father is always happy to see me, but there's something different about right now. "The Gala was perfect as the rest of them, Papa."

"Good, I'm so glad to hear that." His smile then lessens, and I'm not ready for whatever he has to tell me. "So, I know you're not going to be very happy with me, but I've had to make some decisions."

I hear Aella shuffle in her spot behind me in the corner. "What's happening?" I ask.

"I've had to find you a new guard." My heart drops. "Because Aella is going to be a new head of house back home in Rome."

I don't know how to act or what to think. "What?"

"Honey", Papa adjusts himself in his chair. "Aella is a very strong leader, and she's going to be the first female head of house in the family. We need to get our boys in line in Rome, and I believe she is going to do so correctly."

"You can't take her." I look over at her, and she just stares at me. I can feel tears well up.

"Penny", Papa tries his best to reassure me, "We can send you over to see her. I know you've became friends, but I can't keep her here when her best work will be in Rome, keeping our family safe."

"But, she-"

"I've already agreed to it, Penelope." Aella says sternly behind me. A tear falls from the inside corner of my eye.

I turn back to my father. "You monster." Then I storm out of his office, and I sprint up to my room.

When I open my door, I take a few steps in, and I can't go any further. My heart starts beating so fast it starts to hurt, I hold my chest. My breathing is rapid, and everything around me is blurry. It feels as if the whole world around me is crumbling. I take a step over to my bedpost so I don't fall over. No tears come out, but I'm so close.

How could she agree so willingly? She told me before I ever said anything that she needed me.

I hear my door close behind me, and a sigh. "Poppy."

I turn around, and everything in me turns to anger. "How could you?"

"Poppy. I couldn't say no."

I walk up to her, and in anger, start hitting her upper chest. The angry tears start coming out. Aella holds her hands out to stop me, but she lets me. I hit her with my palms, getting just the tiniest bit of anger out. I hit her a few times, and then I stop. I turn back around, pace a few steps, then let out a sob.

Falling to the ground, my knees hit the floor with a thump. Everything around me spins. "How could you?" I scream into my hands.

I hear her step towards me, and she places one hand on my shoulder, but I swat her away. "Penelope."

When I hear her speak again, she sounds just as broken as I feel. I look up at her, and even she has glossy eyes. She wants to cry, too.

"Why?" I squeak out. "You agreed to it. After you told me you needed me."

Aella, looking the weakest I've ever seen her at, squats down in front of me. "Penelope. In this short time, I have fallen harder for you than I ever thought I could fall for a woman". She holds her hand out for me, then stands. "Please, let me explain."

Knowing how terribly dramatic I'm being right now, I stand. She sits down on my bed, and pulls me gently down next to her. Aella holds my hand in hers, and stares down at them clasped together. One of her tears falls onto her leg, and she uses her free hand to wipe the others away. I stare at her, and she finally look up at me.

"I needed to do this, for us."

I continue to stare at her. She is truly the most remarkable human I've ever seen. Her green eyes are the color of a Jade stone, and her dirty blonde hair always falls perfect around her face. She has a small, pale freckle under her left eyebrow, and another at her hairline.

"But you're not." Is all I can think. "You're leaving me. You're leaving us."

"Your father asked me on Friday before the Gala, and my immediate answer was yes. I knew what I needed to do."

"But why did you need to do it?"

"I want to be able to provide for you, Poppy." She starts. "Being head of house would give me opportunities I could never give you as a guard. I would have a whole house to protect you. I'm higher up in the ranks to make sure you and any other person you and I care for are safe. You would help me run that house in Rome. I'm thinking about our future."

I stop crying. Aella wants a whole future with me. Not something short term. I sniff up snot, then wipe away the rest with my sleeve. Aella smiles at me, and I let out a weak smile in return.

"I love you, Penelope", she says to me, wiping away a tear from my cheek. "I want to build that life in Rome with you."

"I love you, Aella. More than anything."

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