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I wait all day for Ace and Papa to come back to the house. I shower, I dress in something semi nice for the first time in weeks, and I willingly brush my hair. There's something in me that something different happened today; like they finally seized the house, or saw some sort of sign of Aella; just something. 

The front door opens early tonight, while we're all still eating dinner. 

"Ace", Mama beams.

I look up to him quickly. The look on his face was hard to read. But when he starts to shake his head, I want to start crying. 

"We raided the house we believed she was in, and while we found the room we think they kept her in, she was not there when we arrived."

"Do you have any other leads?"

"Not at this moment. But we do have Paolo and his assistant in custody." Ace pauses for just a second to think. "And that house is under our control now."

"But Paolo is alive for him to tell you where she is."

"Marcello is with him now to start the interrogation. But I wanted to tell you before I went over."

"Thank you", I say quietly. "Has he said anything yet that you know of?"

"He was shot during the raid, and his wife was captured, too. We're hoping once he wakes up again, it won't take long for one of them to crack."

"Do not hurt Angelica", Mama pronounces. "That woman could not hurt a fly."

"Mama", I give her a look. "Her husband took my wife."

"That does not mean she was involved." Mama argues. "I have known that woman for years, and if there is one thing to say about her, it is that she does not agree with any of the men in this family with the violence, drug running, anything. She is not the problem."

"She might know something, Ma'am." Ace says calmly. "We will not hurt her if she complies with us. But if she protects her husband, we will not have a choice."

I study Ace's face as he talks to Mama, and it looks like there is something he's not telling me. For being a pretty stoic man most of the time, I know his expressions way too well. 

Ace steps over to Sofia, and she happily accepts a kiss from him. He then comes over to me and places a kiss in my hair. "I'll be back tonight, hopefully with more information." Then he leaves. 

I play with the rest of my food, anxiety rippling through my body. Though I love the fact that Paolo was caught and in the hands of my father, I don't care about that. I just want my wife back in my arms, to sleep with, to hug, and to love for the rest of my life. 

I cannot go on without her.

One month, and six days since the raid of Paolo's house up near the lake. Ace told me last week that they believe they have another lead as to where she is. Paolo's wife gave up some information, and she's currently on house arrest in a small house our family owns down south, away from her past hideout. 

It's now been over two months since I saw my wife last, being hauled away from the alter. That day still plays through my head every other minute. How could we not have known anyone was watching the winery? The image of Aella getting pulled away from me haunts my dreams each night and each day. 

I get more sleep each night now, but my body and mind are still exhausted thinking of Aella and the things she's going through. At this point, there's a very good chance she is dead, but the words that fall from Ace's mouth when he tells me about the things he knows, he thinks she's not yet dead. 

I lay in bed, the windows open and the breeze blowing through my curtains. Fresh air surrounds me, filling me with positive energy. 

A knock on my door shakes me of my thoughts. "Come in."

Mama comes in. "Get up, Lovely. Let's get the day started."

There's something about her voice that makes me worry. "Is something wrong?"

"Ace just called", her voice drops. "He's going to be home in a few minutes. Please get dressed."

Her words make me feel like he's going to come home to tell me Aella's dead. Like every single piece of hope I've held on to for the last couple months is flowing out the window with the wind. 

I get up slowly and wander about my room. I go to my closet and dress, then to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Mama sits out in the living area outside of my room, and stands quickly as soon as she notices me. "Come on, let's get downstairs."

I move like a zombie to get downstairs to the living room. Mari and Sofia are already there waiting. I sit in a chair facing the foyer, so as soon as Ace comes in, I'll know.

We all sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. But then we hear a car drive up and the engine shuts off. I watch the door, and when Ace comes in, I stand.

His look tells me he's in a rush. "I got here as quick as I could."

"Did you find her?"

"Penelope", Ace sighs. My eyes fill with tears instantly. "When we raided the house last month, we found-."

Another car pulls into our driveway. I watch it out the window. It's our typical town car with tinted windows. "Who is that?"

There's something about the car that is just off. Most people drive cars of their own, but this car is delivering somebody. It could be Papa, but why would Ace have not brought him. 

"Penelope. Listen", Ace tries. 

I don't listen, and instead, I run to the front door. 

As if in slow motion, I take a deep breath and then open the front door. In front of me, a person stands, shoulder with the part, clad in a perfect suit. 

"Hello, Topolina". 

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