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"Darling." I hear faintly.

I open my eyes to see Aella standing over me. When she sees my eyes open, she smiles. "Good morning."

"Hi", I say. My voice is coarse. I clear my throat quickly. I must look like a wreck compared to Aella, who literally always looks perfect.

"Get up, Darling. Your father is looking for you."

I sit straight up, almost hitting my head against Aella's. "Oh my god. I have to leave"

Aella laughs. "You're fine, Topolina. I told him you went for a swim, then for a shower."


I'm still naked, so I look around for my dress, and my bra and underwear that Aella ripped in twos last night.

"Here", Aella walks over to her dresser and takes my dress off the top, folded perfectly.

"Thank you", I smile.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and toss the dress over my head, pulling it down over my body.

When I stand up, I feel an uncomfortable pain between my legs, making me stumble slightly. Aella laughs and walks over to me, grabbing onto my hips. "Too rough on you last night?" Aella chuckles. She places a gentle kiss on my cheek.

I giggle. "No, last night was even more amazing than the first."

She places a kiss on the other cheek. "I'm glad, Darling. I hope you had a great night all around."

"I did", I look deep into her deep blue eyes, and she looks back into mine. "Thank you so so much for dinner. It was all such a dream."

"I hope I can bring you out again", Aella tells me. "If you'd like."

"I'd love to go out again."

"Well, Topolina", Aella starts. "I'll bring you out again soon. But for now, go see your father so he doesn't send anyone to find you in here."

"I'll see you later."

Aella's hands drop from my waist, and she steps aside, letting me leave her room.

I open the door slowly, looking out to see if anyone is in the hallway to catch me. When the coast is clear, I tiptoe down the hallway and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I peel my dress off of my body and turn on my shower. My hair is in absolute knots between our convertible ride last night and then in bed when we got home. It takes me quite a few minutes to brush through my hair with a brush, but it's so soft when I finally get it untangled.

The shower feels so nice. It's a perfect hot temperature. The pain between my legs is a... nice pain. I guess that's how I would describe it. It's a bearable pain, and it's a pain that's still comfortable enough.

When I get out of the shower, I slowly dry myself off, loving how soft my towels always are. I dress in some ripped jeans and a T-shirt, slipping my house slippers onto my feet. 

I end up in Papa's office. He's typing away at his computer, probably writing out new rules for the house forming in Rome. "Hello, Papa."

He looks up from his desk and smiles. "Good morning, Pen. How did you sleep? How was your date?"

I giggle slightly to myself. "I slept really well, but I got home late last night. I fell asleep on the way", I lie. "But the date was great. We had a meal on top of an old building in the city. Then we went for a little drive around, and he brought me back, and Aella drove me home in this really cool car she owns."

Papa always looks at me like I have the most interesting things to say, he has since I was a little girl. I could talk about the color purple, or paint drying, and he'd still give me his full attention. "That's awesome, Darling. I'm glad you had a good time. Will you see him again?"

"I think so", I smile. "He was very nice".

"Well, that's perfect", he says. "So, anyway. I wanted to let you know we're having a Gala here this weekend, so I'd like you to go out and get a dress, if you'd like. Bring Aella with you. Speaking of which, how are you and her getting along?"

I think back to last night, loving life with her. "We are getting along very super well. Her and I are going to be good friends." The types of friends in which one ties the other up with ropes and makes them €um multiple times in a row.

"Well that's awesome. I'm happy I could find someone like that for you, I know you don't want to be best friends with your old man your entire life".

"Oh, Papa", I laugh. "you will always be my bestest friend ever."

"Yeah, yeah", he rolls his eyes jokingly. "Get out of here. Go buy another fancy dress you'll only wear once."

"I love you, Papa", I say, walking back out the door.

"Love you, Doll."

I go back upstairs and find Aella at her post, right outside of my door. I take a quick look to make sure no one is in the hallway. As I turn my doorknob with one hand, I grab onto the collar of her coat, and bring her in with me. She swings the door shut with her foot and pins me against it. I love how dominant she is.

"You couldn't wait anymore, Poppy?"

When I had grabbed her, I had had the slight urge to be the dominant one, but it's hard when she is taller and sexier than a Greek God.

"Last night was too much fun to wait anymore. I need you."

She smirks at me for just a second, then smashes her lips into mine. The kiss is rough, and hard, and perfect. As always.

Aella's hands run all over my body, and mine hold tight to her biceps, which are just so strong for a women. She starts to kiss down my cheeks and my neck, giving me a moment to breathe again.

"We have to go buy me a dress", I say as her hands roam under my shirt, almost getting to my bra. They're soft and warm, and her touch just makes me feel everything. "We're having a Gala this weekend."

Aella slows down for a minute, her lips leaving me, and she stands over me again. I can still feel her hands crawling up my back to unclip my bra.

"Is it going to be another tease, like our first shopping trip?"

I smile not-so-innocently. "I don't know. Maybe."

Her eyes darken, staring deep into my own. "You are the tease, Topolina". I feel her one hand unclip my bra. I jump just the tiniest bit. She laughs. Then she goes back to kissing down my shoulder. "Whichever dress you pick, it better be easy to rip off of you at the end of the night."

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