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For the next week, I studied my Italian and missed being around Aella. I have most common verbs down, and I could probably have a simple conversation. I learn better when I'm immersed in it, so I'm going to follow Aella around and listen to her and the others that live in our house.

Mama helped me pack up my stuff. We sent over all of my personal stuff and most of my clothes to be there before I even arrive, so I only have enough outfits to last until the day I leave, which is today.

Knowing I'll be meeting my new house family in probably 11 hours, I dress how I want them to remember me by. I want to be put together, that they can trust me, as my house trusts Mama. The wife, or partner, is always the Mama of the house. The so-called children, or rather the members of the house, can come to me if they need to, to get guidance or help. Mama has been preparing me and Mari our whole lives to be like her, knowing Papa would only allow us to be with future Heads of house.

For the plane ride, I put on just some leggings and a sweater, but I've picked an outfit to change into when we land. I've brought a pair of flowing bright red pants, a cream sweater, and a tan coat to cover me. It's early October now, it's getting cold in Italy, and I am always cold to begin with.

Mama, Papa, and I are in the car now, to bring me to our jet to bring me to Italy. We're quiet, as we always are. I stare out the window, taking in the last little bit of the city before I get on the plane and leave for quite awhile.

The large skyscrapers begin to disappear, and the large City airport starts to appear. Large hangars line the outside of the airport property.

"Aella's new chef is going to make a giant feast for your introduction tonight. They've been planning for days now".

I turn to look at Mama as we pass through the gate onto the tarmac. Mama has tears in her eyes, but she smiles proudly.

"Mama", I console. "I'm not going far. You're in Italy all the time."

She laughs. "But you're my baby. I'm sad you're leaving the house on your own."

"You fought for her to leave", Papa butts in. He rolls his eyes.

"Because I care about her feelings too, not just my own." She digs in to him. I hear him groan, and he turns away from her, gazing out his own window.

The car slows to a halt, and the guard outside of the car waiting for us opens my car door. I step out onto the tarmac, and Mama follows. Papa walks around the car to meet us.

The jet engines roars to life as we walk closer to it. Henri, my temporary guard, stands at the top of the stairs, waiting for me.

We stop at the bottom of the stairs up to the plane. Papa takes a step over to me, and he wraps his arms around me in a very awkward hug. It's rare for him to show physical affection to me or Mari, he's just never been like that. I wrap my arms back around him, giving him a little bit of a squeeze.

"I am very proud of the woman you have become, Penelope."

He lets go of me, and my own tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I look over at Mama, who is once again tearing up. Behind us, I watch the man who opened my door struggle with my suitcase as he takes it up the stairs. I giggle to myself.

I step towards Mama and take her in my arms. She wraps her own around me, and I bury my face into her shoulder, and she does the same. We hold each other for a moment, sharing one last hug for a little while.

We let each other go. "I love you, Mama."

"I love you so much, Darling." She wipes her tears away. Papa wraps his arm over Mama's shoulders, pulling her into his side.

"Miss", a guard holds my personal bag out to me, which holds my laptop and books. "The plane is ready for you."

I take the bag from him and he goes to stand next to the stairs, awaiting me to board the plane.

"I have to go." I wipe a tear from just under my eye. Papa nods, and Mama smiles. "I love you both so much. Thank you for believing in me. I'm so excited."

And with that, I turn and walk up the stairs to the plane. When I get to the top, I turn back and look at them one last time. Even from far away, I see Papa's eyes are glossed over. Even he, one of the most stoic people you'd ever meet, is sad his daughter is moving off to Italy with her... partner, girlfriend, whatever you want to call it.

I wave to them one more time, then step into the private jet.

The stewardess stands in the archway between the cabin and the cockpit. "Benvenuto", she says to me.

"Grazie", I smile.

I take a seat in the white leather chair and buckle my seatbelt. As I take out my laptop to start on some work, the jet door is closed from the outside, and the stewardess locks it from the inside.

"Penelope, Henri", the pilot greets me and my guard, coming out from the cockpit. Henri sits in the very back seat of the jet, playing on his phone. "It's my pleasure to welcome you two on board once again. How have you been?"

The Pilot, Kevin, looks at me. I smile back at him. His green eyes always gleam when he greets us; he's been our private pilot since I was probably about 15. "I'm doing great, Kevin. How are you?"

"Wonderful, as always, Penelope. Thank you." he nods. "The flight should be eight hours, so sit tight, and we'll be there soon."

Kevin winks at me, then heads back into the cockpit and locks the door. It takes a minute for him and his copilot to get settled in, and then the plane starts moving. We taxi down the tarmac, through taxiways, and then I feel the plane lineup with the runway.

The plane stops for a second, the engines rev to full power, and then we set off full speed down the runway. We lift off the runway, and I watch out the window. The buildings below us get smaller and smaller, like a little toy town. Then, everything disappears as the clouds engulf the plane into the sky.

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