Epilogue I

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It's been four years since Aella and I got married. We traveled the world and enjoyed our time as a married couple. It took some time for us to get used to each other again when she came home. Her mind was so messed up, and she had nightmares for months. Honestly, we both did. 

Ace and Papa rescued Aella the day they raided Paolo's base, but she was in a coma for about a month because of how badly she was tortured. They kept it from me because of how bad it was, they did not want me to have to go through losing her twice. I was so mad at them both for about a year, I didn't even look at them. But, Aella made me realize that what they did was for my own good, and I thanked them some time later. 

Aella and I have traveled the world together. We've visited every country that allows lesbian couples, and each place was greater than the last. We visited our family from all around the world, and there have since been other gay and lesbian couples married under the blessing of my father, the Don. 

Aella and I held another private wedding on the one year anniversary of her returning home, to commemorate the joys of being married. We wed again in front of our closest family, and the friends we made around the world. 

When in Naples, I made a friend by the name of Aleksandra, and we've been inseparable ever since. We travel back and forth from America and Italy to see each other, but I was lucky enough for her to stay in Naples just long enough to come to the wedding; just before she had to go back to her Russian mafia family in the states. Her Don and my father became allies quickly, so it's been easy to keep in touch. 

We have since settled down, and seeing the now two wonderful children Mari and Angelo have raised, I want one of my own. 

I'm now four months pregnant. Aella and I decided I would carry, and we would find a donor with her similar attributes. Hopefully, our son or daughter will look like a solid combination of the both of us. 

Aella and I flew down to where we got engaged in Spain, to find out the gender of our baby. On the cliff where Aella proposed, we're going to have a picnic, and cut a small cake, revealing the gender. I've been planning it since I finally got a positive test a few months ago. 

Dressed all in white, and a small cake box in my hands, Aella drive us up to the cliff. She both sit in unawkward silence, probably both thinking of how exciting it will be to finally know the gender. My scan was five days ago, so for those last five days, we've both been antsy to get here and cut into the cake. 

Aella comes around to my side of the car and opens the door. Her outfit is a flowy cotton two-piece set that sits perfectly on her body. She grabs the cake from my hand so I can get out easier, but I protectively take it back when I stand. 

"Are you ready?" 

Aella's hand snakes around my waist, pulling me in. My bump is just starting to grow, so you can only see it in very formfitting things. The dress I wear allows me to show my small baby bump, and that makes her happy to see me growing our baby. "More ready than you know."

As we walk along the path I did some years ago, I think about how far Aella and I have come. I had had no idea I could fall in love with a woman, let alone start a family with one. I was going to marry Ace and live out my destined life of bringing in an heir to continue the legacy of our family.

I already have baby names picked out for both genders, but I am secretly hoping it's a girl. I've always thought of myself as being a girl mom. To raise her as an independent, fierce woman who won't take any shit from the future men in the family. 

A picnic blanket, a couple glasses for sparkling grape juice, and two empty cups sit ready for us at the cliff. My pregnancy hormones start to go haywire and I start to tear up at how beautiful everything is and how I'm about to find out who I'm growing inside of me. 

Aella helps me sit down and get comfortable on the pillow set up for me to take pressure off of my body. "Thank you, My Love", I almost giggle to get myself to stop crying. 

She's been very good at just allowing my emotions to flow because she knows it's just the baby hormones. I cried at the news the other day, and she simply chuckled and got up to get me a tissue. Aella has also gotten up multiple times in the middle of the night to get me my craving foods. I've been craving sunflower butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches, and those Hot Fries you can find back in America. She had those shipped over in bulk. 

Aella sits down next to me and I start to pour us the sparkling grape juice in the champaign glasses, then I hand her one. 

"What's your final guess, Topolina?" 

"Boy", I think. "No, girl."

Aella chuckles at me, her beautiful smile growing as far as it can go. Though I completely agree with my hormones, Aella got so much prettier when my hormones started spiking. I'm not necessarily more horny, I just feel even more in love than I was four months ago. 

Aella sips her drink, then opens the box and removes the cake from it, placing it on the large plate in the middle of us. The cake is white with intricate off-white designs. Our baker was very careful to keep the cake color a secret, so the frosting is thick, and I simply cannot wait to eat it because it's an almond cake.

"What is your final guess?" I ask her as I hand her the glass for us to cut into the cake. 

"I'll say boy because you say girl."

"Okay", I almost geek out. "On the count of three."

Together, Aella and I hold the edge of the glasses on the top of the cake, and we count to three. On three, we push the glasses through the cake, and bright pink cake with even brighter pink frosting comes to view. 

I start to cry again as Aella leans over to bring me into her body, but she is practically squealing in happiness. We both sit in each others arms for a few moments as the pure happiness showers us both. 

"What's her name going to be?" Aella asks with a smirk, knowing I already had her name planned. 

"Delilah Eleanora." She smirks again as I steal her middle name for our daughter. 

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