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The party goes on for hours. I want to pass out from exhaustion, but instead, Aella and I mosey around the party and meet tons of new people. Aella introduces me to tons of people she knew before she came to the City, and who all know my father, of course. 

The clock in the corner of the room strikes 1AM, and finally people start to leave. They all bid Aella and I goodbye, as well as 

I'm at the point where I just stare into space, not enough energy to focus on too many things at once. 

I feel Aella's front pressed up against my back. Her face buries into my hair. "You've had a very long day, Topolina. Are you ready for bed?"

I nod slowly, just wanting to cuddle against her while I fall asleep. 

"Come on, my Love." She places a kiss on my neck. "Let's get you upstairs."

Together, Aella and I start to go up the stairs. She's slow, making sure I don't fall or stumble. I've been awake for almost 48 hours by now, with only the small nap I took on the plane. 

As we make it to our room, Aella starts to unbutton her jacket, dropping it off her shoulders and hanging it off her arm. She closes the door gently behind her when we enter, and I go over to my side of the bed to turn on the light. 

The small lamp light just barely reaches to every corner of the room, just enough to glow around us. I start pulling the backs of my earrings off, and I hear Aella walk into the bathroom, shutting the door. After taking off all of my jewelry, I start taking the bobby pins out of my hair, then I sit on the bed and start to take my shoes off. 

It's hard to focus on anything, I can only keep my eyes open for so much longer. Aella walks out of the bathroom, in a black shirt and grey shorts. She's wiped away all of her makeup, but she doesn't need any of it, she's more beautiful without it. 

"Here, Topolina", Aella comes over to me, bends down in front of me, and starts to unbuckle the straps of my shoes. "Let me help."

I straighten my back and watch her as she takes off my shoes. Then, she stands back up, opens my closet and puts them away. Aella comes back out and holds her hand out for me. "Let's get you out of that dress, Darling."

I stand and Aella turns me around so she can unzip my dress. It's a relieving pressure as the zipper is undone. It feels like I can breathe again, out of the skintight dress. 

Aella drags the dress down my body and taps my leg, telling me to step out of it. "I'm going to brush my teeth." I say blankly. 

I feel no embarrassment or worry being naked around Aella, so I simply don't care that I walk around with only my underwear. I go into the bathroom and swing the door closed a little bit. 

I brush my teeth and hair, and then I wipe off all of my own makeup. On the counter is a tank top for me to sleep in, so I put it on over my head. 

Back out in our room, Aella is laying in our bed, her arm resting behind her head. When she notices me, she sits up a little bit. "Are you ready to sleep, Topolina?"

I only nod my head. Aella smiles at me and holds her hand out. I walk over to the bed, crawl onto it, and all but crash into her side. I lay my head right on her chest, and Aella wraps her arm under me, pulling me closer into her body. 

My eyes start to get even heavier, my body knowing it finally gets to sleep. "I love you, Aella".

She hums in happiness, and it vibrates through my body. "I love you, too, Beautiful".

And then I fall asleep.


I awake to the bright light streaming through our balcony glass doors. Aella is already awake, sitting up, and reading a book. I inch myself closer to her and lay my arm over her stomach. I feel Aella's arm wrap under my neck, holding my head up a little. 

Aella places a kiss on the top of my head. "Good morning, Beautiful."

I smile. "Good morning."

"How did you sleep?" She asks me. 

"So good", I tell her. "This bed is amazing."

Aella chuckles. "Good."

Aella and I lay in silence, the only sound is when she turns a page in her book. 

After maybe about twenty minutes, I roll myself off the side of the bed and go into the bathroom. I close the door, and do my things. I brush my teeth, and untangled my hair with a brush. I pull my hair up into messy bun and leave the bathroom. 

Aella sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to come back out. Her eyes light up when I come out, and she holds her arms out for me. "Come here, Topolina."

She has a smirk on her face, and I really hope we're both thinking of the same thing.

I stand between her legs, and she holds my hips. She stares up at me, and I look down at her. 

Aella runs her hands under my shirt, feeling up my sides, and close to my breasts. 

I get a wave of dominance run through my body. I push Aella's down onto the bed, she falls to her back. I sit on top of her, my legs straddling her waist. 

In less than a second, Aella's eyes go dark, and she smirks. "Oh, Darling. The mistake you just made."

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