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I sit in the kitchen, contemplating what I want for breakfast. I go over to the cupboard, and pull out a jar of Nutella. Then I grab two pieces of bread, pop those in the toaster, then grab a banana to slice up. While the bread toasts, I grab a spoon and take a spoonful of Nutella into my mouth.

Then Aella walks into the kitchen for her own breakfast. After the other day's tease at the lingerie store, she's kept to herself. She stayed in her room all night that night, not that I needed her, I was in the house all night. And I haven't left the house since then, so she's been doing her side work that doesn't involve me. Every once in a while, I'll find her outside of my bedroom door at her post, but we don't interact with each other.

She goes over to the coffee pot, grabs a cup from beside it, then pours herself a cup. "Good morning", I say to her with an innocent smile.

Aella turns to me while taking a sip of her black coffee. "Good morning, Princess".

The silence in this room is truly deafening. I stare into space across the room until the sound of the toaster scares me back into reality. I turn around to take them out, and almost immediately, I feel a body against my back. I tilt my head up slowly against their shoulder.

"You shouldn't have teased me like that the other day, Topolina", she whispers into my ear, pushing me against the counter. One of her hands lands on my hip, the other one slides up my arm, and rests on my throat, pulling me back against her, but not choking me. "It just makes me want more".

I lean into her to take in her scent. She smells like men's cologne I would see at one of the stores I buy things at for Ace.

"I think it's fun", I almost whisper.

She pushes me harder against the counter, using her own hips to secure mine. "You won't be laughing when I'm done with you, Princess. You'll be a sweaty mess with shaky legs".

"But what if that's what I want".

She pushes me again, making sure it's impossible for me to move away from her. But I wouldn't want to. My core starts to beat in arousal.

"You still have a boyfriend, Topolina",

"But-", she stops me by grabbing my throat just a little bit harder. I melt against her with every touch. All I can ever think about is what she told me the other day in the dressing room, about tying me up and everything else she would do to me.

"There is no buts, Princess. You don't need to be cheating, even if I am the best experience that's ever walked into your life".

I gulp down some air, and it's a bit harder because of her hand on my throat.

"If you still love him, Princess, there will be nothing to ever happen between us". She grasps my throat just a little bit harder, but it's still so, so arousing to me. "You have to tell me you don't love him before I ever touch you the way you want to be touched. Understand?"

I shake my head the best that I can.

"So, Princess, if you ever make up your mind, let me know".

Then all of her touch is gone. No hands, no hips, no torso. I swing around to try and look at her, but she's gone. Her footsteps echo out in the foyer, then up the stairs.

I stand there for a moment, dumbfounded at what just took place. It arouses me to no belief, but it shouldn't. I'm in love with Ace. I bug him about marriage all the time. I want the ring, and the dress, and the honeymoon I want to take to Prague. Aella is just a temptation that I have because I'm lonely. She's a sexual fantasy.

But what if.....

I finally grab my toast from the toaster and smear the Nutella onto the slices, then grab the banana I sliced and put a couple pieces on each slice of toast.

I put my toast on a plate, pour myself some coffee, then head out to the back patio, because it's so nice out. I sit at the little metal table with the metal chairs and scroll through my phone, seeing what my family is up to all over the world. 

My sister lives in Venice with her husband, some of my cousins live there too, so they all hang out all the time. Papa and Mama want me here until Ace and I get married, so they can keep watch over me. Even though I'm twenty, they still want to keep tabs on me, because I'm their baby.

After a little bit of time, I put my phone down and enjoy the beautiful day around me. Looking around the outside of my house, I notice someone else out on their balcony from their room, two down from my own. 

There sits Aella, in a robe draped lazily off her shoulders. She makes eye contact with me, then positions herself in a way I wouldn't ever have thought. She sits in a chair, putting her feet up on a table in front of her, then spreads her legs out, in perfect view where I can see her core. She grabs something from beside her and tilts her head back as she puts it between her legs.

I can see her legs clench as, what looks like a v!br&tor, helps her pleasure herself. After only what seems like a minute, her body starts to spasm in ecstasy. She looks over at me again after she €ums, putting her toy back down beside her.

The view of her makes me wet just looking at her. She's a beautiful woman. Perfect breasts that anyone could, and would, be jealous of. She has a toned body like no one else. Her face is beautiful like a model, her blue eyes, her jawline, her perfect nose.

I haven't felt like this about Ace. Yes, I love him, but I've never looked at him and described him as the sexiest man alive.

But Aella. She is the sexiest woman I've ever seen in my life.

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