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We spent Christmas day opening our presents, then on the beach. Two chairs sat on the beach, so we took a couple towels, our books, and a bottle of wine and enjoyed our Christmas alone together. Aella and I would go down to the water to skinny-dip, have some hot kissing sessions, then simply go back to reading. 

Today, Aella has a meeting in the city, but then we have one last dinner here before we leave tomorrow morning. The car will bring me to meet her for dinner in the city when she's finished. 

I woke up long after her, and started my day slow. Went through my phone, found some things in the kitchen to snack on for lunch, then I decided to tan out on the patio outside of our room. I put the TV on in the room and turn it up loud enough just for a little sound to listen to. 

An hour or so passes by, so I head inside and start to get ready for dinner. I hear the maid milling about the rest of the house, so I close the door just a crack so she knows not to come in while I shower. 

I do all of my usual getting ready things; shower, dry myself off then put my robe on, towel-dry my hair, put on the tiniest bit of makeup because I hate using too much, then I go back out into our room.

When I turn to look at the bed, an incredible red dress lays perfectly, a note laying next to it. 

Hello, My Love

I can't wait to see you tonight in this dress. I'll be sending over a stylist to help you with your hair and makeup, and another to do your nails. It's just a late Christmas present, you deserve some pampering before we head home.


I set the note down as the maid knocks quietly at my door. "Everything is ready for you when you are ready".

I follow her out into the living area where there are two people setting up their respective arts. The one lays out all of his hair products, the other lays out nail polishes for me to choose from. 

I sit down with the nail tech first. She starts filing down my nails and reshaping them to actually look good, because I bite them off so often. After giving my hands an amazing massage, she paints on the nude color I chose. As soon as my nails are set under the blue light, I head over to the stylist. 

Him and I talk about some ideas for my hair, and he didn't want to take any of my makeup off, just give me a little bit more of a pronounced eye makeup; some more mascara, a darker shadow. It takes about an hour to finish my hair and my makeup, and I thank them so very profusely for the amazing work they both did. 

I go back into my room to put on the dress and put on the shoes that came with it. The dress has a plunging neckline and a slit up on my thigh. The sleeves are slit as well, but tie at my wrists. The material is flowy, so it isn't too warm to wear. 

As the clock strikes five, the time the driver is coming to pick me up, I finish my look off with gold hoops. I run out to the car and carefully sit myself on the seat. 

The driver speeds off down the driveway, then through the forestry area our house is surrounded in. He drives all the way back to town, then through town, before taking one last turn and heading up a hill to take us out of town again. 

The driver stops us at what sort of seems like a nature reserve. He pulls up to a pathway right outside of my door. The entrance to the walkway has two large white candles on either side. 

I step outside of the car and start to walk down the path. It's lined with my favorite flowers in huge vases, sunflowers, roses, and white daisies, little tea lights line between them. The walkway is slightly inclined, so I hold my skirt up to walk easier. It's not too long, I start to see a clearing in seconds.

A moment later, Aella's silhouette comes into full view in the clearing. She stands with her hands clasped in front of her. She's in a white button down with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, tan pants, and red dress shoes that match my dress perfectly. 

Walking into the clearing, Aella starts to walk up to me. I realize that not only are we in a clearing, we're on a cliff. 

"Hello, My Love", Aella reaches her hand out for mine. 

I bring my newly done nails into her hair, lacing my fingers into her hair. She bends down to meet me at my height and we start to kiss. It's so slow and deep, it's a kiss I feel like I've never experienced from her. 

A second later, we release and I look behind her to the cliff. The edge of the cliff is lined with the tea lights. There's nothing else decoration wise, because the sunset is the decoration. I was brought up here at the perfect moment, for us to watch the sunset. The sky is just minutes from turning to some sort of amazing color; red, purple, gold.  Waves crash below us onto the rocks, but we're so far up that it's just nice background noise.

"What are we doing up here?" I look up at Aella as we walk closer to the cliff's edge.

"I figured here would be a perfect place." She nestles her face into my hair, then giving my ear a kiss.

While I've had the suspicion since she sent me stylists to do a makeover, that just solidified what I was thinking. "A perfect place for what?" I giggle.

Aella adjusts herself in front of me then starts to reach into her front pocket. I already start to tear up.

As she starts to get down on one knee, she says: "I don't think there are enough words in any of the languages I know to express how much you mean to me, and how much you have changed my life in this short amount of time. I just want to keep it simple because I'm not great with word, so, Penelope Bria Costa, will you do me the greatest honor in the world, and become my wife?"  

Tears stream down my face, and I thank my stylist for making my makeup waterproof. I wipe under each eye as I stare down at her. "I would love nothing more".

The ring in Aella's hand is everything in my dreams and more. I've never been one for big rings, and this is the perfect size. The band is rose gold, and it looks like there's two bands vined together with tiny diamonds, and one larger diamond set in the middle. 

Aella gently grabs onto my finger and slides it down onto it. I immediately pull my hand up to study my amazing ring. She stands up and grabs my waist, pulling me to her body. Our foreheads rest against each other, and we stare into each other's eyes as the sunsets slowly to my left. 

"You are going to make the sexiest bride in this whole world."

I take my newly bejeweled hand and wrap it into the nape of her neck. It feels amazing to finally have a ring on my finger. I've dreamed of getting married since I was a little girl, what do you want from me?

A photographer comes out of the tree line and continues to take pictures of us as the sunsets. We stay on this cliff for maybe another 20 minutes for the photographer to take our engagement photos. We get a few right after the sun sets, then we finish.

Aella and I head back to the car to head to dinner. The car still sits where it was however long ago. Alone in our own little world, Aella opens the door to my side of the car, then goes around to her own side. 

The car speeds down the road we came up and we head into the city center. Aella and I sit so close together in the car. My left hand rests over hers on my lap, and I take glances at it every so often. 

"Do you like your ring?" Aella places a very soft kiss on my cheek. 

I look up at her with the biggest smile on my face. "I love it so much, but not as much as I love you". 

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