The team is family

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Ross pov
I walk into the Captains office. A man is standing there with a friendly smile.
"Hi I'm Captain Roy Montgomery. I have heard good things about you" he says.
"I'm Ross, it's nice to meet you!"
Then Ryan walks on the door.
"Hey Beckett, you were right about the kid. Daughter, 8 years old. I called the school and they said that they did see our Vic talking to someone unusual. When the Vic walked into the classroom to pick up the kid he seemed shaken."
"Ok. Did we get a description on the man he was talking to?"
"No but the school is sending over video footage right now. And how did you know about the kid?"
"I didn't." Beckett replies. "Ross did."
He looks over at me, and I can't help but notice that he has the most beautiful blue eyes.
"Oh. Great job! I never would have thought of that."
He high-fives me.
"Yo footage from the school was just emailed." Said Esposito walking in the door.
"Ok. Lets go catch a dirtbag." Said the Captain.
We walk into another room, and Tori is sitting there.
"Ready to watch?" She asks
We all nod. She presses play and the Vic is standing there looking at his watch. Then a man walks up with his back to the camera. He starts talking to our guy and his smiles fades away. The Vic nods and the mystery man hands a bottle to him and walks away.
"Three guesses what's in that bottle." Says Ryan.
"We never got a clear look at his face. And there are no identifying tattoos or scars." Says Beckett dejectedly.
"We got nothing except for the short brown hair."
Everyone is silent for a minute when I think a realize something.
"Tori, can we watch that again?"
She presses play for a second time. As the man is handing our Vic the bottle, I notice he uses his left hand. When he starts walking away, he puts his left foot out first.
"He's left handed." I say when the video is over.
Everyone looks at me.
"He uses his left hand to give the bottle to our Vic, and when he walks away he puts his left foot first. People who use a left foot to step first are usually left footed. And if you are left footed it almost guarantees that you are left handed."
"Wow. How did none of us see that, but a fourteen year old figured that out?" Exclaims Espo.
I blush and look at the ground.
"How did you know that?" Asks Beckett.
"Well I'm left handed." I say quietly still looking at the ground.
"Ok. Well let's look at all our records and see if anyone pops. Short brown hair, left handed."
"He lives in New York." I say.
"He's wearing a short sleeved shirt. The news said it would be cool the day this happened. He had to have known that the reports were wrong because he knew to wear a short sleeved shirt."
"She's right." Says the Captain.
"Dude. You are like a mini Sherlock Holmes." says Espo looking at me.
I smile.
"Ok Ryan and Espo go find this guy. Ross come with me." Says Beckett.
I follow her into the break room, and Castle is right behind her.
She sits down and motions for me to sit in the chair across from her. I sit down and she looks at me. I am expecting the worst when she says, "how would you like to be part of the team?"
I'm stunned. I try to say something but its like someone twisted my tongue into a knot.
"We are all like family here. Espo, And Ryan are like my brothers. Lanie is my best friend, she is like a sister. Castle is like that one annoying cousin who is your favorite and the Captain is like our uncle. I want you to join us. You are the smartest 14 year old I have ever met. You know more about a crime scene than I ever did at fourteen. I think you could beat me and become the youngest female detective on the NYPD. What do you say?"
I nod, still in shock. "I would love that!"
She smiles at me. "Ok! maybe I should talk to your parents first."
"You know what? I think it's ok if you don't. They're pretty busy. I will talk to them for you."
"Ok" she nods.
"Thank you." I say.
"Of course!" She stands up and walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. This is the first hug I've gotten in almost a year.
Ryan walks in. "Sorry to interrupt, but we got the guy."
She lets go of me, and the four of us walk out of the room. We go to the murder board and Ryan pulls out a picture and hangs it on the board.
"Tom Daniels, 29. Left handed, short brown hair, lives in New York. Did time for possession and was arrested for attempted murder, but the charges were dropped. Uniforms are bringing him in now."

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