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I watch as he leaves, and I find I'm having trouble processing everything that he said.

A few minutes later I follow him out to where the team is, prepared for the bombardment of questions coming.

Beckett grabs onto me, a desperate attempt to make sure I'm unharmed.

"I'm so sorry Samantha. I didn't mean it. Are you ok? What did he tell you?"

"He just said I had a seizure."

"I heard but that's weird. I thought seizures made you shake or something like that."

"There are several different types. The shaky ones are mainly caused by epilepsy which is a genetic disorder. The kind I had where I got really confused and then passed out was caused by head injury. I have a concussion. Again."

"Yeah who did push you? You got kind of defensive when he asked. Why?" Espo inquires.

"Umm I don't know I just felt like it wasn't important. And Beckett, I am a liar. I'm the one that should be sorry." I change the subject.

"No but, where were you?"

I sigh. "Promise you won't get mad?"

"Did you do something illegal? WERE YOU DOING DRUGS?" Beckett yells, and I have to laugh.

"No I wouldn't do that." And then my smile fades. "Please promise."

"Ok. I promise but don't make me regret it."

"I did something you would do."

And with that, I start my story.

10 hours earlier.

I walk into the holding pen, where Brandon is kept.

He sits on the bench, his face emotionless and his body sagging.

He sees me and his face lights up.

"Hello my precious. I hoped you would come find me."

"Why did you just admit to everything?"

"Well why not? It just means you have to go through the torture of a trial."

"I've got the three best cops in New York on my side."

I ignore his words because he's just messing with my head.

"How were you involved in my dad's murder?"

"I wasn't. But I did know about it. And the person who did the background check for your adoption found out everything. I kept him quiet though."


"Money controls everything in this world, which is something you should know."

"How did you get that money?"

"It's not hard to hack a person's online bank account."

"I know. I've done it before. One last question. Why did you do that to me?"

He laughs mirthlessly. "Well precious, that was just for fun."

It takes all my effort to turn away instead of letting him taste a delicious knuckle sandwich.

I can feel him staring at me, which sends shivers up my spine.


"You went to see him? What the hell is wrong with you?" Beckett screams.

"Sorry? Hey don't try to deny that you would do it too Beckett! If you had someone in holding that might know something about your mom's case you would too."

"Don't be stupid like me! You could have gotten hurt!"

"But I didn't!"

"And what do you mean you hacked someone's bank account?" Asks Ryan.

They all cross their arms, listening intently.

"Ok that was one time, and it was my dads. After he died I wanted to see if his records revealed anything and I didn't want to wait for cops to get a permit. Plus, they don't tell you anything. They keep you in the dark about what's going on even if it's important. They lead you to think they'll find the killer and then don't. They believe people that can buy off alibis and then don't question them again."

I know it's not their fault, but I snap anyways.

"Samantha..." Beckett reaches for me, but I brush past her.

I get to the elevator before Beckett puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. Look at me. Those cops aren't us. We will get Tyson ok?"

I silently put my arms around her, putting all of my unsaid words into the hug to show her what it means to me.

She hugs me back, and I know we're thinking the same thing.



"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do! Why would you even ask that? I love you Samantha, and I know it's hard for both of us to love. I don't know what I would do without you."

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