5 Bodies

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I open my eyes, and everyone is running around crazily. I look around me, and about twenty yards away, I count five bodies.
I try to sit up, only to feel a nerve splitting pain coming from my head.
I reach up and touch it carefully, and see blood on my fingers.
I lay down again trying to keep my eyes open.
People are on the phone. I wait a few minutes until I know I should be hearing sirens. When I see the fire trucks and ambulances and squad cars, I realize I can't hear anything. Their sirens are mute.
The blast must have impaired my hearing.
All the law enforcement has a worried look on their faces, and they seen rushed.
Then two familiar squad cars pull up, and I see Beckett, Ryan, Espo, and Castle get out.
I'm still on the ground, and I know I'm not getting up without help.
They start to look around, and they see all the bodies.
Then they see me, unmoving.
Espo runs past the bomb squad, and kneels next to me.
He's yelling, but I can't hear what he says.
Everyone is then next to me, and there are hands grabbing my arms and legs. An unfamiliar face supports my neck as I am lifted onto the all to familiar feeling of a gurney. They put me in an ambulance, and Espo sits next to me.

The paramedic places oxygen over my mouth and nose, and I try to bat it away. I can breathe perfectly fine, it's my head and hearing I'm worried about. I'm 95% positive I have a concussion.
We pull up to the hospital, and I am rushed out. Espo runs next to the men pushing the gurney I am on.
I can't hear what anyone is saying, but I have learned how to read lips pretty well after living with my dad who was 70% deaf and relied on this.
Espo is speaking Spanish, saying something along the lines of I'm going to be ok.
The paramedic who gave me oxygen is saying I was in an explosion most likely caused by a bomb.
He hands me over to a doctor and before the doors close behind me, I can see Espo trying to push past the arms that hold him back. When he sees me looking at him, he points to his chest and nods.
I know he is saying he loves me.

Since the worst injury I sustained was a concussion, I will probably be fine.
I close my eyes, hoping they will open again.

They do, and I look around to see tens and tens of stuffed animals, balloons, and flowers.
I sit up, an there is a bandage wrapped around my head. There is a dull throbbing in my skull, but everything else seems to be fine.
My arms looks like it's been run over by a truck though. It's covered in scrapes and bruises.
The door to my room opens, and Espo walks in. He's looking at the floor, his arms sagging at his sides.
I cross my arms.
"What's wrong with you? I thought I was the one that almost got blown to bits." At this his head jerks up.
I can barely hear him, my ears still aren't working right, but I don't need them to know what he says.
"Ross!" He runs across the room and flings his arms around me.
"Ow." Is all I manage to say.
He laughs. "Sorry. I....." And I cant hear the rest. Since I can't see his lips, all I hear is mumbling.
I let go and look him in the eye. His smile turns to a frown.
"What's wrong?" I read his mouth.
"I can't hear you." I feel myself saying.
"The bomb must have damaged my ears."
He nods. "Ill be right back." He exits, but comes back with a doctor.
They converse with each other.
The doctor then turns to me.
"Your hearing should be back in a few more hours." I watch his lips.
He leaves, and I am alone with Espo.
"Hey Espo how long was I out?"
"Six or seven hours."
"Did you wait with me the whole time?"
I yawn.
"I'm really tired, and I want to actually be able to hear you so can we talk when I wake up? I want to know everything."
"Of course."
"And Espo?"
"Can you stay with me?"
"I would never leave you."

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