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[In this story the characters are grown unlike the original, they are teenagers.]

Hello, I'm Crystal. Crystal Bloom. I've been in a story before that hadn't been finished in the best way but I've come back to retell my story with some additional time and effort.

I'll start by introducing everyone again.

"CRYSTALLL" A voice called for me.
I turned to see who the familiar voice belonged to as I was walking towards the school entrance.

"HEY ASSHOLE" Dragging out the "hole". It was a girl with medium to short blue and black hair running towards me holding her bag like it was going to fall off at any second.

That's my best friend since Elementary, Daisy, she's awesome. We've been through everything together, my parent’s divorce, my dog passing, my dad becoming an ass, same with my mom. She was always there.

"HEY WAIT THE HELL UP '' A boy yelled trying to catch up to Daisy, but all she did was stick her tongue out, not visible for him to see but me, and kept running at me.

 That's Jordan, he's my second best friend, we also met in Elementary. He hasn't been with me through as much as Daisy but he was there sometimes. He's been really busy this summer so I understand why he wasn't there. His dad pressures him to be the most perfect child ever but yet he's genderfluid, he feels like he doesn't have a certain gender and he's Pansexual. I understand why he can see himself as a woman as well as a man, he has the figure for both. He usually goes for all pronouns but I use he/him since I'm used to using it when talking to him. He was born perfect.

Daisy ruffled my hair as she finally got to me.
"What's up loser?"
"Nothing of your concern." I said, rolling my eyes, fixing my hair back.

Jordan finally met up with us too.

"Could you be any slower?" Daisy said while leaning on the wall after waiting at least 5 minutes for Jordan to get up the school hill.

They're awesome. They've changed so much. Daisy especially, she dyed her hair completely, she cut her hair, changed her style, and came out as Lesbian over the summer.

I didn't change much. My hair stayed blonde, I kept it particularly long still but not too long. I mean I changed my outfit style sort of, I look really nerdy though, but it's cute.

"Hey, why're you spacin' Bloom?" Daisy asked while I was thinking.

"It's nothing, can we go inside now that Jordan is here?" I said.

Daisy raised an eyebrow at my sudden change in expression but I didn't notice.

Jordan was trying to catch his breath while we were walking away.

"What.The.Fuck." I heard Jordan say behind us. He then started running into the school to catch up once again.

is the beginning of my high-school story.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now