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⚠️TW: sleep paralysis, mention of offing oneselves⚠️

I suddenly woke up.

What happened? I thought. 

I was stuck in place.

Fuck fuck fuck. . . I started panicking.

As I tried to wake myself up fully I saw somethings in the corner of my eyes.

I looked up and saw shadows with these sort of blue pupils creeping towards me.

I continued trying to wake myself up fully while the shadows kept getting closer and closer. Once they were almost as close to my face I could see their ugly, terrifying faces.

One of them finally got up into my face and whispered into my ear several sentences at a fast pace. I didn't hear it clearly but I heard one part,
"Crystal, kill yourself."


I then woke up suddenly, covered in sweat.

I curled into a ball on my bed and began to cry.

[Daisy's POV]
I woke up suddenly out of nowhere, I was breathing heavily when I woke up.

I didn't have a dream, I didn't have a nightmare, I just woke up.

I grabbed onto my forehead since it was pounding.

I put my hand down on my thigh and then I looked over at my phone to see it flash on from a notification.

I went to grab my phone when it started flashing multiple times on end.

I unlocked it, worried, thinking something was wrong since my phone had never gone off so many times before.

I looked at the notifications and they were all Jordan.

What could they want? I thought

I went into messages to see 19+ messages from Jordan and Jordan only.

Are they okay, Jesus christ. I thought, starting to read the messages.


14 messages above ^

Have you heard from Crystal?
She isn't answering my texts.

Daisy? Are you there?
This is serious.

Received at 11pm.

Oh god, what's going on? I thought.

What's wrong with Cris?


She isn’t. . ? I thought.

No. I haven’t heard from her.

She better be okay. . I thought.

I put my phone down and got up from my bed.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, curling up.

Why did I wake up so suddenly an hour after Jordan messaged me? I usually wake up earlier than 1 in the afternoon. What's going on? I thought, looking up and at the window.

[Jordan POV]
“Damn it.” I said, frustration filling my tone.
I threw my phone on my bed and started to pace around my room.
“Her dad better not have done shit to her.”

I walked outside of my room, turning off my light.

I grabbed my hoodie and walked outside, locking the door.

I brushed my hand through my hair with a frustrated sigh.

I walked up to the door of Crystal’s mansion and knocked on the door.

Her mom answered after a couple of minutes.

“Yes. . ?” She said, her tone filled with confusion.

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