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[Short chapter.]

[3rd person POV]

Crystal was sat on her bed in her large but plain bedroom. She had been staring at the ground, listening to the almost loud conversation that had been coming from her two best friends.

Jordan and Daisy had been sat in two chairs in the corner of the room– The only corner of the room that had been decorated, being their hang out most of the time.

"No he's definitely the better character!" Daisy objected towards Jordan, stomping her foot.

"No way! He may be attractive but that has nothing to do with his powers! You gotta go for the ones that have looks, personality, and power!" Jordan said, crossing their arms as they leaned back in the slight bean-baggish chair.

Crystal was listening to the conversation about the anime both Jordan and Daisy had watched together a couple weeks ago, having finished it.

Crystal was never really into anime unless forced to watch it with Jordan. She just glanced towards the two every now and then, not trying to join the conversation– The conversation that had been going on for about 15 minutes so far. The conversation being about which characters were better in the anime, mostly about looks from Daisy's side, no matter if she wasnt attracted to guys anyway.

Soon footsteps were heard by Crystal, causing her to look up towards the figure coming towards her.

The blue tips of her hair soon catching Crystal's eye.

"Hey Crystal." Daisy said, smiling shyly at her.

"Hey, you guys done?" Crystal muttered– not meaning for it to come out so quiet.

Crystal watched as Daisy sat next to her on the bed. She then folded her hands in her lap as Daisy glanced at the floor.

"Yeah. Jordan just kept arguing with me and they got annoying." She said jokingly with her signature bright smile, looking back up at Crystal.

Daisy's smile then faded, going into thought as she looked away from Crystal once more.

Crystal furrowed her brows at the sight. Her hands breaking from each other then being placed at her sides.


The sound of Crystal's voice broke Daisy's thoughts, making her look at her.

Crystal had turned more towards Daisy so she could speak to her properly on the bed.

Jordan saw the exchange between the two, having their phone in front them. Jordan looked down to their phone soon enough, trying their best not to listen in on the conversation because it had been none of their business.

"Y-yes?" Daisy stuttered out, playing with her hands.

"I missed you…" Crystal said, giving Daisy a sad smile.

Daisy's eyes slightly widened, then softened. "I missed you too." She said as she stopped playing with her hands.

Crystal looked away, rubbing her thumbs together. "Are we okay now?" She mumbled out.

Daisy stiffened at her words, finally realizing what their time apart from each other had done.

Daisy then relaxed once more as she lifted her hand towards Crystal's head, patting on her hair. She left her hand there as Crystal looked back up at her.

The small action brought a smile to Crystal's lips, she then pulled Daisy into a hug, missing the girl's warmth that had been there before but never once felt for a few weeks.

Daisy didn't remove her hand as she rubbed the back on Crystal's head as she held her back with her other hand.

Crystal rubbed her face slightly in the crook of Daisy's neck, enjoying the warmth she had emitted.

Daisy blushed at the movement. Her grip on Crystal's shirt tightened lightly, going unnoticed by both females.

[Short time skip]

The two females now were in the decorated corner in Crystal's room. – One in the chair and one laid on the floor.

Jordan had been scrolling through  show categories on the TV that had been in the area, Crystal was watching for what Jordan would pick, and Daisy was scrolling through Pinterest on her phone.

A movie caught Jordan's eye but Crystal immediately shut the idea down.

"No! No! No!" Crystal said. She sat on the edge of the seat, grabbing Jordan's arm. "No romance movies!"

"Dude come on! You always want to watch horror movies, which by the way if you forgot, Daisy is terrified of scary movies. Cant watch a single one." Jordan said, Daisy shuddering at the words "horror movie".

Crystal's eyes narrowed towards Jordan. She then crossed her arms before she spoke, "I get that, but cant we just watch a comedy or literally anything else?"

Jordan grumbled at Crystal's words. "Why cant we just watch this? It's a romantic comedy, nothing serious like Daisy's mom watches." They finished with a chuckle.

"I can't argue with that dude, the stuff my mom watches is horrid.." Daisy cringed, remembering the show she caught her mom watching the other night.

Crystal sighed with annoyance filling it but finally and quickly gave in. "Fine, fine. But only this once! Also! Since I'm watching those for your sake Daisy, we are watching a horror movie next time!" She growled, slumping in the chair.

Daisy sat up quickly at the sentence, grim falling on her face, with some cold sweat included.

Jordan laughed at the sight, soon settling into their chair once pressing play on the movie.

Daisy moved to the chair Crystal was sitting in since it had enough room for the both of them, also because Jordan took up the whole other chair by putting their legs over one of the arms while their back comforted on the other.

They all covered themselves in blankets before the movie could even begin, as it played into music, showing off the neighborhood of the characters– more than likely just the main character's neighborhood.

Soon enough everyone settled in and the movie began.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now