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[Short episode.]

[3rd person POV]

The room was quiet as the girl laid in her hospital bed sleeping and as the boy who laid next to her slept as well.

Suddenly a bang is heard outside of the room, waking the girl and boy.

“What was that?...” Crystal whispered to Jordan, who had gotten up to look out the window of the door. They then looked at Crystal with a confused look on their face.

“I have no idea.” They went to go back to sit in the chair but another bang was heard outside.

Jordan walked up to door once again. “I’ll be back, I promise.” Jordan said, waving their hand at Crystal, then slowing opening the door and walking out.

Crystal is found frowning at the sight of her friend leaving. Then its seen as Jordan goes out of the door as they are in the hallway.

Jordan looks down the hallway to see a nurse stuggling to move things across the room. The nurse is running into walls, hence the banging of her hitting the walls and dropping objects.

Jordan quickly walks up to the nurse to balance out the weight shes holding by grabbing some of the items shes holding. The nurse looked at the boy confused until she sees who it is.

“Oh Jordan! I didn’t know you were visiting today! Thank you so much for the help.” The nurse grinned as she continued to walk towards her destination of the hospital closet with Jordan following close behind.

“It’s not a problem.” Jordan says, placing the items in the corner of the almost empty closet. “Why are you moving all of this stuff all alone?” Jordan places a hand on their hip as they placed a few items on the shelf in the closet then looking back at the nurse.

The nurse put her items down then looked at the child beside her. “Well, everyone else is doing something important so I asked the chief physician if I could do anything that’d be almost just as important.” She sadly smiled at the memory from not too long ago.

Jordan noticed this and frowned, then looked around at the items that had been scattered around the room. The room contained items such as a broom, dustpan, sheets, taped boxes, etc. Everything pretty much used as extra items to help keep the hospital in order. “I feel like you’re special enough just by suggesting to help.” Jordan looks at the nurse once more as they speak. “Some people who work at hospitals are grateful to not have any work to do since they find it ‘tiring’ or something.” Jordan smiled at the nurse, trying to cheer her up.

The nurse looked at Jordan with a grateful smile. “I appreciate your words Jordan.” She then ruffled the child’s hair, “I guess I’m not like everyone else.” She says walking out of the closet and back towards the front of the hospital.

Jordan grins at the sight of the nurse happier. Jordan fixes their hair as they follow the nurse out of the closet. 

“How’s Crystal been doing?” The nurse asks as she sits down on one of the chairs in the waiting room. She slightly glances at Jordan as her view is completely the sun setting outside of the window.

“She seems to be doing better!” Jordan exclaims, clearly happy for their friend. “I can’t wait for her to come back to school, her scars are going to look so cool even if its not quite her style.” Jordan says, placing their hand on their hip once more.

Jordan’s eyes follow the nurse’s eyes as they both saw the beautiful sunset. “I’m glad to hear it.” The nurse says quietly, enjoying her view and the company.

Jordan’s eyes scattered towards the nurse. “Speaking of which, I have to go talk to Crystal to tell her everything is okay. She was just as confused as I was when we heard you running into walls out here sicne we didn’t know what the noise was.” Jordan quietly laughed.

“You better get going then, wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.” The nurse smiled as she turned back towards Jordan. “I know how lonley those rooms get quickly.” She whispered, Jordan not hearing the last bit as they were already on their way back to Crystal’s hospital room.

The door is heard opening with a click. Crystal quickly sits up and sees one of her best friends walk back into the room. “Jordan,” Crystal quickly exclaimed. She smiled as the familiar figure walked back towards her bedside.

“Heya!” They say quickly sitting back next to Crystal’s side. “It was just a nurse that had a hard time seeing as for she was holding A LOT of items. She had to bring them all to the closet room so I helped her since it would just make her job easier.” Jordan grinned brightly as they spoke about the encounter from a couple minutes ago.

Crystal leaned on the railing of her hospital bed, looking at Jordan with a face of peace. “I’m glad you helped then.” 

“I think you’ll get released soon!” Jordan said, excitement flowing through their veins. “I mean your cuts are soo close to healing so its bound to happen soon enough, right?” They said, glancing at their best friend, scooting closer.

“Sure hope so, if I stay in this bed any longer I might forget how to walk.” She said with a closed eye laugh, scooting back correctly in her bed.

They both hear the door hand turn with a click as it open. They both looked at each other then back at the door.

The sight of blue on black hair is seen soon after the door opens

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