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[Daisy POV]
I had woken up a couple minutes ago to find Crystal’s hand intertwined with mine. 
I felt warm when I woke up.

Not a bad kind of warm just, warm.

Jordan wasn’t in the room anymore so it had just been Crystal and I.

I was curious where Jordan had gone so I, sadly, took my hand out of Crystal’s and placed her hand on her chest.

I walked out of the room and saw that across from Crystal’s room had been her dad’s. “He deserved it. I just probably should’ve done it more discreetly.”

Michelle was sitting cross legged in a chair, scrolling through her phone. Not even a bit in distress. It seemed anyway. 

You could hear doctors and nurses talking through the halls. You could hear tools being used in different rooms. You could even hear screams I’d think.

I walked towards the entrance to see Jordan outside in the rain.  I didn’t know it’d rain today. I thought.

I opened the front door to hear them slightly yelling into his phone.

“Jordan?” I said, grabbing their shoulder. 

Jordan slightly jumped, lowering the phone and looking at me.

They held their finger up at me, telling me to wait, as they finished their phone call.

I looked around outside to see the dark sky. Then I heard Jordan yelling quietly in Spanish.

That's new. I thought. They’re probably talking to their parents since his family is pretty much all Mexicans.

Jordan had finally finished and placed their phone in their pocket.

“Yes?” They said, placing their hand on their hip.

“I was just wondering what you were doing, sorry.” I said, glancing at the floor, my foot kicking the water that had been on the sidewalk.

“It’s fine, my parents kept messaging and calling me nonstop because they didn’t know where I was. So I started swearing at them in a language they could understand.” Jordan said, using hand movements throughout them speaking. 

Jordan crossed their arms and leaned on the brick wall of the hospital.

I crouched down and started watching ants try to escape the rain.

“How’s Crystal?” Jordan asked lightly.

I glanced up at them.

“She’s okay. We both fell asleep before she did so she probably got bored.” I said, looking back down at the concrete. 

“I kinda want tacos.” Jordan said randomly.

“Really?” I said, looking back at them, raising my eyebrow.

“Yeah kinda just a random craving, not because I’m Mexican, so don’t even.” They glared at me.

I laughed. “Okay okay, let's get tacos for everyone.”

“I’LL GO STEAL CRYSTAL’S MOM’S MONEYYYY” Jordan said, already running into the hospital, yelling.

“I- What- WAIT WHAT???” I said, trying to get up but tripped, almost falling on my face. “WAITTTT!”

[Crystal POV]
I woke up to see I was alone in the room.

On my chest was a sticky note that said, “Went to get TACOOS -JacOb and FloWeER '' with a smiley on it in the corner.

I laughed and leaned my head on my pillow.

I glanced to look at the chair next to me and my eyes went blurry.

“Gah. Ow ow ow ow..” I said, grabbing my head and closing my eyes. “Please stop. I’m already in pain enough don’t make me blind.”

I had heard my heart monitor going fast. Accurate. 

I heard the door open. “Jordan? Flower? Mom?” I said, still blind.

“Oh honey, what's wrong??” I heard my mom say from the doorway.

“My eyes went all blurry, I can’t see mom.” I started to tear up. I was scared.

“I’ll get a doctor, hold on..!” My mom said, panic filling her tone. Then I heard her rush out of the room.

My heart monitor was going fast. Please stop. I want to leave. I want Daisy.

Then I heard the door open back up quickly. “Hey kid, can you still not see?” I heard a country accent ask me, I assumed it was a doctor.

“No! I can’t see! Please, help!” I gasped, tears flowing from my eyes.

“Stay calm, try to breathe slowly. I’m going to put you to sleep for a little bit, okay kid?” The doctor said, trying to soothe me.

I felt a hand grab mine, most likely my mom.

“Okay doctor. I’ll calm down, I’m sorry.” I said, calming my breathing, ignoring what was wrong with my eyes so I could let the doctor work.

“Good job. You’re doing great. Keep breathing carefully, you’re going to go to sleep now.” The doctor said, their voice being as nice as possible.

Next thing I knew something was attached to me, and I started to fall asleep.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now