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[Daisy's POV]
I stared at my ceiling in my room after I told my mom to have a good day at work.

I glanced at my phone, biting my nail.

I grabbed it and directly went to Crystal's contact.

Cris are you okay?
Jordan said you haven't been answering their texts so I'm just a bit worried, tell me if you're okay when you get the chance :)

I typed a heart at the end and deleted it instantly because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

I slapped myself with my hand.

You're so cringey Daisy I thought, with a sigh.

I looked at my phone once more and saw under my message it said the word "read".

I saw that she was typing and stared very intensely for no reason at the screen.

Oh, yeah I'm sorry.
I answered his messages a while ago.
I just,
Didn't wake up well and froze, didn't mean to scare you guys. :]

I smiled at the screen seeing that she was fine.

She didn't wake up well either? I thought, then started typing.

I didn't wake up the best either

Maybe we're synced 🤪

That's cute Daisy 😂

But we've always been synced, yet you're only just realizing it
Sigh 😔

My eyes were wide and my face was frozen with a goofy grin. My face was splattered with blush.

That's literally adorable I thought, bring a pillow to my face to scream into it.

I fell backwards onto my bed since I was sitting up.

I held the pillow in my arms with the goofy grin still on my face as I stared at my phone with so much happiness I could've exploded.

I'm sorry Crissy 😔

You better be 👀

I happily rolled to look up at my ceiling.

She doesn't have the right to make me this happy.

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