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[Short chapter]

[Crystal POV]

I stared at Daisy as she blinked slowly, staring at the wall and laying on my shoulder still.

She continued to hold my arm, every now and then rubbing her thumb over the scars, proving she loved them.

I smiled, tears beginning to slowly fall from my eyes out of nowhere.

Daisy sat up in a rush to look at me after she felt the tear drops.

"Crystal? W-Whats wrong??" She looked at me concerned.

I sniffled, taking my arm from her and wiping away the tears, but yet they continued to fall. "S-Sorry" I said, laughing and sniffling.

She waved her hands, not knowing what to do. "Did I do something? I'm sorry!" Daisy worriedly said.

I laughed quietly. "No, no. I'm just happy." I say wiping the last of my tears.

I see Daisy slightly tilt her head like a puppy. I then took her hand and intertwined our fingers.

She turned a bright red, which made a smile twitch onto my lips. She then looked away quickly, covering her mouth with her right hand.


[Daisy POV]

Crystal was holding my hand. HOLDING IT. My mind screamed.

"Flower..?" Crystal said, her voice sounding like butter. She then rubbed her thumb across my knuckles to get my attention.

I replied with a quiet, "Mm?"

She did what I had done to her not too long ago. She used her other hand to move my head to look at her.

I uncovered my mouth, staring at her from the sudden touch.

She rubbed her thumb on my cheek softly. I leaned into the touch and held her hand with my free one.

She looked at me with a look I've never seen before, making me blush once more.

She then suddenly moved her face towards mine, placing her forehead onto mine. Her face was a slight pink as well.

"Thank you." She softly whispered as she closed her eyes.

I blinked repeatedly. For what? I thought.

She opened her eyes to look at me again. Oh my god.. My brain went wild.

"You know.. you're beautiful too.." She mumbled, her face turning pinker.

My eyes widened and my mind went blank.

Suddenly, it was so warm..

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now