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[Jordan POV]

"Yes?" Crystal's mom called from the doorway, peeking around the door like I was a stranger.

She looked down and saw me finally. "Oh Jordan! How nice to see you, I haven't seen you in forever. But you know Crystal isn't here?" She stepped from behind the door, fully in the doorway now, raising her eyebrow at me.

"I.. I know." I said scratching my head.

I don't really mind Crystal's mom but she isn't that nice to Crystal and I don't honestly feel too safe like I used to as a kid.

"Have you heard from Crystal Michelle?" I said after taking a deep breath.

She lifted her hand to her chin, leaning on the doorway. "No, I don't think so." She leaned back up and continued to speak for a second. "She doesn't usually message me unless she needs something. Why?" Michelle said.

I glanced to the side, with a worried expression.

"I have a feeling Crystal might be in trouble," I looked back up at her and continued. "She hasn't answered Daisy's or my messages at all. At Least I don't think she messaged Daisy anytime soon."

Michelle looked instantly uninterested as soon as Daisy was mentioned but I didn't care, this was about Crystal, not Daisy.

I saw Michelle walk inside not closing the door, I opened my mouth but before I could swear at her for not caring she came back with her phone.

I looked at her confused, until she handed me her phone.

She looked at me and nodded her head towards the phone. "Go on and call her dad. I doubt he'd answer but it's worth a shot." Michelle said, lighting a cigarette a couple seconds after.

After watching her for a couple of seconds I looked down at the phone and saw it was already unlocked in the contacts. Was she planning on calling someone before I arrived? I thought, then slightly glanced at her until I looked back down scrolling through the contacts until I found Crystal's dad's name, Isaiah Bloom.

I tapped on the contact, putting it up to my ear soon hearing it ringing.

It took a couple of tries and subtle looks at Michelle until he actually answered.

"What the fuck do you want Michelle?!" Isaiah shouted through the phone.

"Don't talk to me like that asshole. Wh-" I was cut off before I could ask about Crystal.

I heard Isaiah laughing and then he said, "Holy shit, is that a guy? Did Michelle get some?"

I cringed at the sentence then spoke. "Ew what the fuck, I'm a teenager." I said with disgust.

Isaiah gasped slightly. "She got a young one, thats disgusting but whatever. Michelle can do what she wants." I heard the disgust through the phone but clearly he didn't understand I wasn't interested in his ex-wife.

"FUCKING ISAIAH LISTEN TO THE BOY." Michelle yelled into the phone, I guess she could hear the conversation.

It went silent after Michelle yelled so I began to speak.

"Its me Jordan Isaiah. I just wanted to know if Crystal was okay, not a lecture about how Michelle 'got some'." I said, cringing at my own words.

"Oh, Jordan. Crystal. ." He said, having trouble speaking or something.

"Well??" I said, with aggravation filling my tone.

"Shes fine, fuck off." Was the last thing I heard before Isaiah hung up.

I looked at the phone with fear on my face.

"Something happened to Crystal."

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now