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[3rd person POV]

“That was the stupidest movie i’ve ever seen.” Crystal grumbled as the movie credits rolled, playing a sad romantic song in the background.

Daisy sniffled next to her, “But it was so sad!” She said, rubbing her eyes with her sleeve.

“Bullshit! That was bullshit! Why couldn’t the guy just stay with her in her hometown? Just to get married when he clearly loved her?” Crystal complained as Daisy continued to rub her eyes.

Jordan rolled their eyes as they heard the two girls complain. “He had to do it so she would stay safe, dumbass.” They finished, earning a glare from Crystal.

“Don’t call me a dumbass! Call the director a dumbass, can’t even properly end a movie! The two main characters are supposed to fall and love and stay together in a rom-com.” Crystal said, snatching the remote from Jordan.

“Not all rom-coms do that dumbass.” Jordan said, rolling their eyes once again soon after hearing Crystal growl quietly. “Besides there is a second movie.” 

“Oh hell no! They did that on purpose just to make a sequel?!” Crystal said, throwing her arms up in annoyance.

Daisy stopped sniffling eventually. “I find it romantic…” She mumbled towards the two as they continued to argue.

“What?! How?” Crystal cringed as Daisy glanced up to the blonde, frowning.

“I dunno, it just kinda showed how much he cared about her.” Daisy said shrugging.

“Meh, not really. He left her to keep her “safe” but the only way to keep her safe was to marry another woman? Crystal’s kind of right that it’s a little dumb.” Jordan said, watching the TV as Crystal scrolled through their options.

“Ah ha! See you get it!” Crystal said, abruptly pointing her finger at Jordan, almost hitting Daisy but luckily she moved backwards quick enough, expecting the action.

Jordan grumbled, crossing their arms as they shifted in the chair.

The front door of the house opening echoed through the almost empty room as the three teens went quiet. The noise making Crystal shift uncomfortably and Jordan glance towards the door of Crystal’s room.

Crystal had stopped scrolling through the sections as she listened to the footsteps to see who it had been. “It’s my mom. She must’ve just gotten back from the hospital.” She said, going back to scrolling.

“No matter if they’re divorced it’s obvious your mom still loves your dad even if she tries to deny it greatly.” Jordan said, glancing over to Daisy who shifted in the blanket trying to cover herself up more.

“Yeah she just acts like she hates him because of how he ended things.” Crystal mumbled loud enough for only the two to hear.

Daisy leaned her head onto Crystal's shoulder, watching the TV to see what Crystal would pick.

"But your dad doesn't love her back does he?" Jordan said, sending concerned glares towards Crystal and the bedroom door.

"No." Crystal said, her voice showing no sort of remorse or anger.

"Sorry. What are you looking for?" Jordan mumbled the first bit but then glanced towards the TV to watch the screen move to every click of the remote.

Crystal looked down at Daisy with a horrific smirk.

"Oh no.." Daisy whispered, curling into a ball away from Crystal on the chair.

Jordan burst into a quiet laugh watching as Crystal clicked on a famous horror movie that Crystal was known to love.

Before Crystal could press play the sounds of clashing were heard in the kitchen, making her freeze.

Daisy looked at Crystal, moving from her ball to Crystal's view. "Bloom?" She said quietly, to not frighten Crystal.

Crystal blinked after hearing Daisy, realizing that no sounds of clashing were heard from the kitchen anymore.

"What's up? Why'd you freeze?" Daisy stared up at Crystal, worry glazing her eyes.

Crystal's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "You didn't hear that?"

Jordan looked towards the door then spoke to Crystal, "Hear what..?"

Crystal's eyes widened quickly, then she stood up, walking towards the door.

The door had quickly been closed after the blonde's figure left, leaving the two teens confused.

Crystal glanced around as she leaned against the door, soon sliding down it. She mumbled to herself, incoherent words echoing through the tight hallway. Her voice cracking every now and then.

She finally looked up slowly, soon speaking after, "Mom?" Her voice swallowed her whole as she called for her mom making sure it wasn't her imagination that her mother was in the kitchen.

No reply.

Crystal sunk into herself, realizing that she imagined the sounds. Her skin crawled at the image of the kitchen being destroyed by her father and mother.

"God, what's wrong with me.."

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now