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[3rd POV]
Jordan had left a few hours ago, leaving the two females together. They all knew it was supposed to be a sleepover but Jordan couldn't have stayed even if they wanted to.

Crystal was half asleep as a cartoon show played in the background that Daisy had picked.

Low grumbles came from Crystal as she shifted in her seat, curling into a ball on the bean bag that the two no longer shared. "Hey Bloom, you can go lay down in your bed if you want," Daisy said with a slight giggle.

"No, I'm comfy." She mumbled back a whisper, almost so quiet that Daisy didn't hear it, but she did.

But I guess she wasn't that comfy. Suddenly, the fumbles of the bean bag chair were heard. Crystal got up and walked towards Daisy only to grab her hand. "H-Hey what are you doing?"

"Just come with me."

Crystal held Daisy's hand tight so she wouldn't lose her, scared that if they slipped once Daisy wouldn't return. Daisy felt the soft but ashy feeling of Crystal's bare hand on hers. A blush grew across her face as she closed her fingers on Crystal's palm, giving reassurance that she wouldn't let go of the blonde.

A smile graced Crystal's face for a moment, her hair shading over her face as she continued to walk through the hall toward the front door.

Daisy looked around the area outside of the blonde's home though she had been there many times before.

She then looked at Jordan's house, noticing the blinds on their room shut tight as flashing lights flashed through the cracks in them now and then.

Crystal continued to walk, pulling Daisy to walk next to her instead of behind her. Her grip loosened as they walked on the sidewalk of the city streets they both grew up in.

Crystal laced her fingers with Daisy's again and then moved her hair out of her face, looking out towards the shaded streetlights.

"It's beautiful right, the nighttime?" Crystal asked as she walked over to a grass landing that looked over the small town they lived in, it is blocked off by short cobble walls that kept people from going over the edge on accident.

Daisy looked over at Crystal and then down at their interlocked hands. Crystal's finger rubbed Daisy's knuckles now and then. She then looked back up at the vividly orange and brown sky as it shaded in black under the small mountains that graced the edges of their town.

"Yes." She answered shortly after as she led them to sit on the wall, dangling their feet over the edge as the light from the sky slowly dimmed into darkness.

"You okay Crystal?" Daisy questioned, not looking at the blonde.

Crystal looked at Daisy and then down at their hands. She moved her hand from Daisy's and folded her hands together, roughly rubbing her middle finger's knuckle.

Her eyes stayed on the newly darkened sky as the last bit of orange disappeared, "I'm okay, I just feel funny."

Daisy leaned backward slowly then spoke, "Funny?" She scoffed a laugh.

"Yeah, funny. That's the only way I can describe it," She smiled softly. Daisy's eyes followed Crystal's only to look back at the blonde and move closer to her. "What're you doing?" Crystal asked an uncertain gaze upon her blue eyes.

Daisy leaned forward with a laugh, "You caught me. I was just trying to get a little closer, sorry." She then moved away until Crystal grabbed her arm. "No... um. It's fine."

Daisy's eyes softened as she faced Crystal with her body instead of her head, one leg over the edge of the cobble, rough pebble slightly cutting her skin as she viewed the blonde honestly. "Crystal."

The blonde looked towards the female and stared, slowly moving her body to face her as well but both her legs brought up into a criss-cross fashion. "Yes..?"

Daisy looked over the tired blonde and how she looked at Daisy. The raven-haired female held the blonde's hands as Crystal straightened her posture and came closer to Daisy.

"Are you sure?"

Crystal nodded as she laid her hand on Daisy's thigh to lean forward. But to Daisy, the touch was loving, with no aggressive desire in it. Daisy swallowed the nerves in her throat. With the hand that Crystal let go of, Daisy moved the hair out of the blonde's face and laid her hand on the side of her cheek.

Crystal leaned into the touch and closed her eyes. Daisy's heart throbbed as this was really happening, Crystal wanted this, wanted to be here with Daisy, doing this with her. Crystal looked at Daisy and only Daisy that usual uncertain stare that Daisy used to not be able to describe but now it was described as love. Her love. It was all Daisy's.

Daisy then leaned in towards Crystal. Both the females' lips interlocked as the night sky consumed them, them being the only stars left in the sky as the leftover sun burned their skin with a hot feeling of happiness.

Daisy and Crystal smiled into each other and the feeling of Crystal's hand on Daisy's hand was more evident than ever, making the raven-haired female blush intensely.

Daisy's hand let go of Crystal's and wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck as the two continued to kiss, colors of orange and brown like from the sunset a few minutes ago flashed their minds as the night sky that once consumed them returned back to the sky above them.

Daisy pulled away and placed her forehead onto Crystal's. "Hey... Bloom?"

"Yes Flower?" She spoke softly to the female that continued to lay her arms around the blonde's neck. Daisy hesitated, nervous, rejection still evident in her mind but she wasnt scared anymore.

I love you.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now