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[Daisy's POV]

It was finally the weekend. I was really excited to see Crystal and Jordan later that day but our plans had changed when Jordan and I got to Crystal's house.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

Crystal shushed me with an angered face.

"Could you be any louder?!" Crystal said placing her bags into the back of the car.

"YEAH, I COULD BE LOUDER!" I yelled, jokingly through the situation.

Jordan kept quiet throughout the conversation. They didn't look happy but they also didn't want to interrupt or even express how they felt about the situation.

"Look, guys, I get it. You hate it when I go there but it'll make it worse if I don't go." Crystal said calmly, closing the back door.

"You're dad doesn't deserve you. After all, he is an asshat." Jordan said, anger coming through their words, while also flicking their hand around for "effect".

I looked at Jordan, then back at Crystal.

"Why is your mom making you go when she knows how much of an asshole your fucking dad is??" I said fuming.

Crystal pinched the bridge of her nose out of aggravation then she took a large inhale, then exhaled.

"I need you two to calm down. My mom doesn't have the mindset to think. Me going to my dad's house isn't much unless he's in a terrible mood. If anything happens, I'll call you guys or even the cops because I'm not a dumbass white person." Crystal said as calmly as possible.

As Crystal stared at us I panicked even more. Her dad and mom did this to her. She may still be the same person, but her eyes. Her beautiful eyes, their so grayed down from what her original eye color was. And her lips. They are bitten very badly to the point you can almost see dried blood.

"Earth to Daisy?" Crystal said waving a hand in my face then crossing her arms.

"What?" I said confused, getting out of my daze then staring back at Crystal in general.

"Not the time to be wanting a kiss Flower." Jordan said jokingly with a smirk.

I shot a glance at them, slightly blushing. I then slightly glance at Crystal to see she's not even phased about was Jordan said, leading my blush to fade.

-Time skip-

[Crystal's POV]

Well, here we go.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now