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[3rd person POV]

Crystal lightly walked through the hallway of the hospital with a little bag of items, gifts, from throughout her hospitalization.

Her blonde hair whipped backwards from the wind as the automatic doors to the hospital open creakily.

She sighed lightly as she placed the bag down next to her right foot that had her regular converse shoes on before she had been in the hospital.

Her legs felt like slight jelly as she hadn't been walking for at least a month and a couple of weeks.

Her dull but sea-sparking blue eyes glanced up towards her mother's car pulling in front of her.

The light blue car graced with scratches on the areas around the tires. Other than those small scratches the car was in perfect shape, from the outside.

The window rolled down, revealing Crystal's mother, the woman having a brighter look on her face since the last time she had seen her.

After the incident with Crystal's father, her mom had rarely come to visit, breaking the child's heart slightly even though her mother wasn't the nicest person.

Crystal lifted her head fully at the sight of her mother through the rolled down window.

"Hey kiddo! How did the check up go?" Her mother said brightly at the sight of her blonde haired daughter.

Crystal finally got out of the hospital today, after she had gotten a very long check up from the Australian doctor and British nurse Crystal had grown to like throughout her healing process.

"It was fine, yet I wish I had gotten out of here sooner so my legs would feel normal.." Crystal sighed as she opened the back door, lightly throwing the bag in the car, a thunk coming from it as she closed the door.

Her mother hummed in response as Crystal got in.

The car ride was as silent as it had been when Crystal had been driven to her father's house that evening that everything happened.

Michelle, Crystal's mother, had stolen glances at her daughter every so often, only to see Crystal staring at her scars on her wrists.

She frowned at the sight. Crystal never once felt the gazes.

Crystal gripped her wrist tightly before looking out the window at the neighborhood they'd been driving through.

Jordan had been bouncing their leg as they waited at the step of the newly clean mansion the two Bloom's lived in.

Jordan and Michelle had been working on making the outside of the home look as clean as it had when it was first bought before Crystal was given leave.

Sight of black tipped hair brought Jordan's attention back to reality. The sight of Daisy running towards where Jordan had sat was brought into view, her slightly gasping for air.

"She was…" She stopped, trying to gasp for more air as she hadn't stopped movement yet. "Was let… out today?!" She let out finally as she stopped in front of Jordan, holding her knees.

Jordan hummed in response. A smile gracing their lips. Soon enough their leg stopped bouncing as Daisy sat next to them.

Daisy laid her head on Jordan's shoulder, still slightly breathing heavily.

A car rolling towards them quietly was heard down the road, which caused both teens to perk up.

The light blue car slowly stopped in front of the two teens and on the road that cut between the two mansions, Jordan's and Crystal's.

It revealed a slightly ecstatic Crystal, who soon hopped out of the car and jumped on the two teens, who gripped the blonde female tightly.

Both Jordan and Daisy smiled brightly as they held onto Crystal's back to keep her on them, almost as if they'd lose her again.

Soon they all let go, Crystal's eyes becoming brighter at the sight of her friends as she crouched down in front of them on the grass in front of the stairs.

She had connected her hands together, then laid her elbows on her knees as she laid her head on top of her hands, tilting her head slightly.

The action soon brought a slight blush to the dark haired female on the stairs, pulling her knees into her chest and hiding her cheeks, still able to see her vibrantly colored blueish mint eyes.

Crystal glanced at Daisy though didn't move her head, Crystal noticed the action Daisy had done, she also noticed the makeup graced on Daisy's face.

The makeup was simple, eyeshadow– covered in glitter– lightly laced onto her eyelids with simple highlights on her nose and cheek bones. The rest had been mascara and eyeliner– nothing much but it seemed to be carefully put on.

A smile graced Crystal's lips before she looked to Jordan, light makeup on them as well– nothing too crazy, just highlights and light eyeshadow that was barely noticeable.

"Welcome home Crystal."

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now