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[Daisy POV]

Why is it so warm? Where am I again?

My head spun as my lips removed themselves from Crystal's.

My head stopped spinning and I suddenly gasped, quickly moving my arm to my mouth with a bright blush spread across my face.

I looked at Crystal, her eyes were wide, her lips were gapped slightly open, and her face was a messy blush.

"I'm so sorry! I dont know why I did that! I just- I- I don't know!" I panicked, standing up from my chair and paced.

I didnt look at Crystal but I heard her shuffle around in her bed behind me.

"I-Im sorry.." I mumbled, as I stopped pacing and slowly looked towards her with my hands folded in front of me.

Once I saw Crystal my eyes widened and my blush once again appeared.

She looked at me. Not normally.

Her eyes were slanted in a calm manner, and her lips were in a small smile. I could feel how much she adored me in this moment.

"D-Dont look at me like that.." I said, turning slightly on my heel.


The nickname sent shivers throughout my whole body coming from her at this moment.

The way she said it.. My bestfriend was so calm about me kissing her on the lips.

I glanced up at her again.

"Its okay." Her voice was soothing, almost making me calm about the situation.

"No it's not! You arent supposed to kiss your bestfriends out of nowhere!" I said, my tone becoming insecure.

She looked to the side as she played with her hands.

"I didn't mind it.." She mumbled, which made my eyes widen.

"I-I uh… I'm sorry. I think I need some time. Again, I'm sorry for kissing you Crystal.." I blushily said.

I then walked out of the room, hearing Crystal say a faint, "Wait."

[Crystal POV]

Did… Did I do something wrong?

My hand was extended for Daisy as she walked out of the room.

I tried to get up but I then winced in pain.

I looked down at my hands and caressed the parts of my arms and hands that Daisy did.

Why did I feel so warm..?

I then moved a hand towards my lips, then soon quickly removed it, feeling my face warm up once more at the thought of what just happened.

I ran a hand through my hair and then laid back in the bed.

"I wasn't ready for these emotions." I mumbled, and bit my lip.


[Jordan POV]

I walked on the sidewalk towards the hospital, my hands in my pockets.

I had gotten my phone back but I had to be super stealthy, which tired me out. 

When I had gotten closer to the hospital I saw Daisy pacing outside.

The hell? I thought, and began walking faster, taking my hands out of my pockets.

Once I had gotten closer to her she seemed to be a red mess.

"Yo, what the fucks up?" I said, placing my hand on my side.

She jumped at my voice and scrambled to face me but never looked at me.

"O-Oh u-uh, hey!" Daisy studdered.

She messed with her hands awkwardly.

"Bro stop being gay, why're you outside?" I said, my eyebrow lifting in curiosity.

"No reason.." She mumbled.

I walked up to her and lifted her face with both my hands so she'd look at me.

She was a blushing mess.

"Omg you did something!" I said, letting go excitingly.

"NUH UH!" She yelled.

"YOU TOTALLY DID OMG!" I yelled back playfully.

She bit her lip as she looked at me angrily.

"What'd you do to my baby?!" I grabbed her by the shoulders, still playing with her.

I obviously was talking about Crystal.

Daisy's gaze broke from mine and she blushed more.

I gasped and she looked back at me with a panicked look on her face.

"YOU FUCKIN SMOOCHED HER!" I screamed happily.

Daisy broke from my grasp and crossed her arms.

"C'mon! Tell me you did! You did, didnt you!" My eyes sparkled at Daisy's sudden bravery towards Crystal.

"I fucking blacked out after she called me beautiful and kissed her without even knowing." She angrily said.

"But you still did it! Finally!"

Her arms dropped and her face became sad.

"That's not how I wanted it to go. I didn't even get to experience it since it went dark up here." She said with a mixture of sadness and frustration in her tone.

Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration and crossed her arms again.

I smiled and pat her on the shoulder.

"Hey. I get it." I said finally.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I just need time to think before I can see her again, maybe confess properly when I see her next time."

"Take all the time you need Flower." I hugged her and rubbed her back as she snuggled into the hug.

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