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I usually wait till 3:15 to leave the school so I can watch Daisy get the stage ready for their play. But as soon as it hits 3:15 I walk home to do everything that is needed to be done before my mom gets home.

I had started walking towards my house while checking the time every now and then. When I was about to put my phone away I got a message. I stopped walking to check the message, which was from Jordan who was also after school for soccer practice. He sent me an image.
An image of Daisy on stage telling off people to get to their right places on the stage for rehearsals I'm guessing because the kid she was yelling at looked stressed with a prop in hand.

I laughed slightly, sent Jordan a message back of just emojis, put my phone back, and started walking again.

I stopped in front of an old mansion that had vines on it. I looked at the house with disgust then walked in.


I completed my chores for the day then sat down on my bed only to hear the front door open. I shifted on my bed uncomfortably as the footsteps echoed through the house towards the kitchen.

I heard a bag fall on the floor. Then the fridge opened, the next sound being a can opening.

I sighed as I continued to listen, not pulling my phone out just in case.

The footsteps were like needles being shoved into my stomach. They brought so much pain to me from past experiences.

I heard a plop, on what I assume was the couch.

Then a voice yelled my name.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now