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[Jordon POV]

I woke up with my knees to my chest and my head laying on my legs.

I remembered going into an alleyway but not falling asleep.

“I must’ve cried too much that I passed out.” I said, laying my legs down.

My eyes hurt. I tried searching for my phone but then I remembered I left it at home.

“I guess I have to go home sometime.” I said. “Maybe I should go to the hospital first.” Getting up, almost everything cracked, it felt great.

I wished I was wearing a hoodie so I could lift my hood and put my hands in my pockets, but the only pockets I had were my back pockets since the jeans I was wearing were technically women’s jeans. I hate that there isn’t front pockets but its whatever.

I had loosened my tie so that I could breathe normally then I started walking towards the hospital road.

[Little time skip]

I was almost to the hospital when I saw a white Mercedes E-class driving around, most likely scouting the hospital for me. I think this because it’s my dads car, liscence plate and all. The scratch I got on it driving a golf cart, and the color rubbing off from when I tried to clean the car multiple times before we had maids.

I snuck towards the side of the parking lot of the hospital where the car wouldn’t be able to see me and walked in the entrance.

I probably looked like a mess but I didn’t really care.

“Crystal Bloom visitor?” The british nurse from before asked me before the receptionist could. “You both visit quite a lot, it’s hard to forget your faces.” She smiled at me before realizing I wasn’t in the best shape.

“Yeah Crystal visitor.” I mumbled, speed-walking towards her room.

“Ah ah. You can’t go back there when you’re all dirty. The patiences wounds could be infected just by being touched with such dirt.” The nurse said grabbing my hand with a glove on her hand. She usually had gloves on.

I pulled my hand away. “What do I do then?” I said.

“Go home and clean up possibly?”

“Can’t..” I mumbled.

She leaned down a bit to see my expression and she knew not to push. “Mm I see. We can clean you up here. Like I do with Crystal except you’ll do it by yourself of course with supervision. We can’t just have teens running around the hospital without attention.” She slightly laughed.

“Okay.” I said, following her.

[Crystal POV]

It was around 7:30.

Daisy was coming around soon since it was Sunday, the last day she could come until next weekend.

I wondered what had happened to Jordan since he hasn’t gotten ahold of Daisy or me. It’s kind of concerning considering that his dad and him got into a fight.

I was watching a scary movie. I enjoyed them, sadly neither Jordan or Daisy liked them so I had to watch them by myself most of the time. Jasmine, my dog, used to sit with me at home and watch whatever came on the TV.

Once we were watching an advertisement on TV and then it cut to the intro to a horror movie. I was pretty young, I can’t remember what age I was then but I just know Jasmine was around. They were doing throw back horror and it was the first Halloween movie. This was definitely when I got hooked on horror movies.

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