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I got out of the car.

All I heard was my mom quietly yelling at the woman in the doorway.

When I walked up to the door my mom stopped yelling.

I pat my mom's shoulder, that's how I said goodbye without saying anything.

After I pat her shoulder I walked into the doorway, hitting my shoulder against the woman's. I hate her.

When I got older, I knew more things, and the more things I knew the more angry and sad I was.

I was walking to my "room" in the house. My room wasn't a room at all. It was a tiny space in the house. I put my bag down and sat on the bed that was in the space.

That's all the space really had room for. A person and a bed.

I could hear the TV turn on in the living room. I peeked from behind the wall to see my dad and the woman sit down on the couch. My dad put his arm around the woman.

I got up and walked to the kitchen to get food.

"Could you get me a drink Crystal?" My dad said with a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes and searched the fridge for a beer.

Not even a hello to your kid. . . I thought.

I grabbed the last one in the fridge and handed it to the woman who had her hand out for it. I then went back to the fridge to look for something.

I glanced over to the trash bin next to the counter in the kitchen and saw a bunch of fast food items sticking out of the bin.

I closed the fridge and went back to my space in the house. I then laid on my bed and went onto my phone.

I plugged in my headphones and started listening to a playlist.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now