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[Short Chapter]

[Daisy POV]

I woke up. My headphones laid in my ears as an almost erotic song played.

I mostly only liked it because it was jazzy and gave me chills from the guy's voice. Thats why it had been in my liked songs.

Crystal was laying in her bed silently, her chest rising and falling.

Jordan had to leave so they could get their phone. They said they were gonna sneak around so they didn’t have to speak to their mom or dad.

I took the day off of school today and so did Jordan. We wanted to be with Crystal because of what happened with her dad but I don’t even think she knows what happened.

Crystal’s dad tried to kill himself.

He broke the vase on his nightstand and used the shards to cut himself.

He’s still alive but he confessed why he did it. He said “Why belong in the world God created when I can’t even protect my own child that I had created. I sinned and decided to repent.”

Idiot. I thought, through the blasting music playing in my ears. Neither Crystal nor her mother deserve that. He should’ve thought more through it before actually doing it.

His blood dripped off of the wheelchair he was dragged away in. It covered his bed when I looked in there.

I wanted to throw up.

Instead I just cried. Crystal rolled in a wheelchair past me after her dad. Her face was so blank but yet so sad and confused. She had made eye contact with me before rolling away to get cleaned up.

She had so many scars on her body. I’ve touched the ones on her arms so many times. They just feel like bumps since they’re pretty much fully healed already.

I continued to stare at her as her chest rose up and down. So peaceful. She definitely doesn’t know. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t be sleeping so peacefully.

I look at the clock on the wall in her room. I remember when she was a kid she told me she always heard a ticking noise whenever she was upset, scared, angry, or sad. 

Did she hear the sound when she rolled past her dad's room in the hall? I thought.

I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and started to look up what it could be.

It felt like I had been typing for hours.

But then I found it, Misophonia. It was possible that was what it was.

“Hm. ‘A strong reaction to specific sounds.’” I said, mumbling.


I look up to see Crystal rubbing her eyes, just waking up. I pause my music and quickly take out my headphones.

“Morning. I’m just trying to see what you might have. With your ticking clock issue.” I said, looking back down at my phone. “It’s possible?” I said, mumbling to myself this time.

“You remember that?” She says, surprised.

“Uh, duh. I remember a lot about you.” I say not looking up, “Hey, Bloom? I think you might have this thing called Misphonia.”

I look up at her to see her staring at me, questioningly happy.

“What? Do I got a goofy look on my face?” I say, smiling at her awkwardly.

“Nope, its just sweet that you’re trying to figure things out about me.” She says, going to grab her phone.

I blink a couple of times before looking back down at my phone, every now and then glancing at her.

“I might.” She finally says after it being quiet for a bit.

I love you. My mind blurts.

ALL SHE DID WAS SAY SHE MIGHT WHAT THE F-  I cut my thoughts off.

I turned almost completely red. I keep my head towards my phone.

“Y- Yeah?” I stutter.


She looks at me. I slightly glance up.


“Mm? Whats up?” I say, my face turning normal soon enough.

“I’m getting out of here soon. Do uh…” She struggles to get her last sentence out. “Do I uh.. Do I look ugly with uh, y’know, my scars?” She says, then looks down at her scars on her arm and hands.

“No.” I say quickly. “You look beautiful.”

She glances at me and smiles.

“I’m glad you think so.”

I get up and set my phone and headphones down on the chair. I sat in the chair Jordan usually does this time. I walked over to Crystal and sat in my usual chair.

I grab her hand and rub my thumb over her scars.

“So so beautiful.” I say, pretty much forgetting who I am, a nervous raging lesbian with a HUGE crush on the girl I just called beautiful twice and am touching right now.

Her eyes sparkle lightly and her mouth slightly drops. Her cheeks turn a slight pink, then she looks away.

I turn her face back towards me so I can see her more again.


I rub my thumb across her scars on her face and smile at her.

ABORT MISSION! I say in my head, moving my head away from hers. Its not the right time.

Crystal smiles back, her cheeks fading back to her color.

I kept my hand on her arm for awhile until I laid on her shoulder.

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