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TW: Mention of blood

[Daisy POV]
I heard my phone go off while I was in the shower. I left it on just in case Crystal wanted to talk more.

I soon got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I wiped my hands on the towel before grabbing my phone.

Once I had grabbed my phone I saw it wasn’t a message from Crystal, It was a message from Jordan.

“Hm, wonder what they need. I’ll dry off and get dressed before I open the message.” I said, putting my phone back down on the counter of the bathroom.

[After Daisy got changed]

I was rubbing the towel against my hair since I don't usually use the hair dryer. 

"Bleq. I got hair in my mouth. Hm, I wonder how Crystal's doing" I said, smiling in the mirror. I couldn't see it since I had a towel over my eyes but I could definitely feel it.

I threw the towel on the bathroom floor and looked at myself in the mirror.

I cringed and then grabbed my phone, then I walked into my room again.

Lying down on my bed I opened my phone getting sidetracked away from Jordan's text.

Once it had been an hour after the text was sent I had realized it looked like I ignored him, I was just scrolling through Twitter. 

I pulled my notifications down to look at the text but it wouldn't show up. 
"Weird. It usually only does that if it's a link or an image." I said, squinting at the screen.

I opened my messages app to see a link

"Explains it." I said, rolling my eyes.
Then I had tapped on the link to see it navigating to a hospital.

I sat up quickly, one leg on the bed, the other one off.
"What the hell? Are they okay?" I said, worry flowing through my tone. 

Just as I was about to walk like, 20 miles on foot I heard my mom walk through the door. She's early. But that's good. I thought

"Daisy I'm home!" My mom said, placing her things on the kitchen counter.

"Mom wait! Don't take anything off!" I said, rushing out of my room, seeing my mom with her coat almost off.

"Why?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

"I need you to take me to the hospital here." I said, pointing at my phone to show her.

"What?! Why do you need to go to the hospital?! Are you okay honey?!" My mom said, throwing her coat over her shoulders back onto her, then feeling my face.

"Mommm, I'm fine. Jordan sent me the link without context so I don't know what's going on." I said, playfully rolling my eyes, pushing her hands away from my face.

"Why's Jordan at the hospital?? That's so strange. Hm," she said, placing her hand on the counter edge, holding herself up. "Yeah I'll take you." She said, grabbing her purse and keys again off of the counter.

"Oh wow, thanks ma!" I said, kissing her cheek then running out to the car.

[Time skip to the hospital parking lot]

"Wow that's a big hospital-" My mom said, closing her door slowly, her mouth open with surprise.

"Mom, come on! What if something happened!" I said, running towards the door.

I then felt a hand grab my arm.

"Something might have happened to you if you didn't have someone stop you from running without looking at the road." Jordan said, as a car drove past me, swaying my hair with its speed.

"Wha- Jordan? Why- What-" I stuttered, confused on why he told me to come here when he wasn't even in the hospital injur-

My eyes widened as Jordan told me Crystal was in the hospital.

My mom stopped with worry on her face as she heard what Jordan said.

Jordan told me everything.


I pulled my arm away from Jordan and started walking towards the hospital doors.

My mom yelled after me, trying to catch up with me.

Jordan just stood there, with his eyebags, from crying.

No. No. No. No. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. I thought. My head was spinning. What is wrong with her dad?? What is wrong with him. What's wrong with her mom for just letting her go over there?! She probably didn't want to lose Crystal. Don't be that way Daisy.

I had asked the receptionist a bit ago where Crystal’s room was.

I stopped in front of the door where Crystal was.

 I was scared to see what happened.

I walked into the room and burst into tears. Oh my god.

Crystal was covered in bandages, they needed to be changed since they had been blood covered. 

I fell next to her hospital bed, grabbing her hand.

I then saw Crystal’s mom and dad as I turned my head.

I had gotten up and walked towards them with my head down. Tears still falling from my face.

My mom and Jordan came into the room.

Then everything went red and blurry.

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