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[Crystal POV]
My eyes started to slowly open as I heard voices around me.

One, a country accent. The other, a British accent

“She had subtle Post-Traumatic Visual Loss. Most likely the father will get it as well. We should tell her mother since the woman has been going through both rooms non-stop.” The country accent spoke.

“What even happened to the kid? She’s beaten pretty badly…” The British accent spoke.

“I spos’ her father isn’ a very nice guy. Beat her senseless for swearin’ I think the mom tol’ me. Her condition might take at least 3 weeks to heal.” The doctor said,

My eyes had adjusted a little bit ago and I could see the two figures perfectly now. The one who had a country accent had black hair with green eyes and small peach fuzz. He had a pencil on top of his ear and some glasses resting on his nose.

The one with the British accent had been a woman not too much shorter than the man. She had red hair dyed black at the tips with pretty hazel eyes. She had freckles from head to toe I was guessing. They had been barely visible inside, but I bet if she walked outside you could see them a mile away.

The British nurse scratched her head.

“Poor kid. Her friends are worried about her sick. They won't touch the food they brought back with them which is upsetting to see when I have to check at the front desk a bunch. The girl especially is worried about her. She keeps rubbing her hand though, must hurt from beating the old guy.” She said, then glanced at me. “Oh goodness… Sorry for you to hear that all.”

The doctor looked at me as well and scratched his head nervously, looking away soon enough.

“It’s uh… It’s fine. But what did you say about 3 weeks here?” I said, shock on my face that had been sitting there for a while.

The doctor looked at me again, clearing his throat before speaking. “3 weeks o’ longer kid.”

I looked down at my hands to see bandages on one arm. Sadness filled me as soon as he said that.
“That could be so long from now.” I mumbled.

The nurse walked towards the door. “I’ll tell everyone you’re awake so you can heat up that food and eat together.” She said with a bright smile, trying to cheer me up. Then walking out

The doctor looked at me for a bit, as I still stared down at my bandages, fiddling with them. He left not too long after.

But soon Jordan and Daisy scrambled in.

Daisy looks so happy but she looks as if she cried more. I thought.

“CRYSTALLLL” Jordan yelled, gripping onto the side of the bed, smiling large. “You’re awake! That didn’t take long! Now we can eat tacos together!” He said, lifting up the bag that had been on the floor next to my bed.

“That’s a lot of tacos Jay.” I said laughing slightly.

Daisy leaned on the railing on the other side of me. She just, looked at me. Smiling.

Jordan realized and of course started teasing. Which made Daisy go bright red and she started to stutter wildly. Cute.

“Gimmie a taco already boy.” I said, holding my hand out like some sort of queen waiting for her cup of tea.

“Ah yes, of course, my apologies my lady.” Jordan said with a bow, handing me the taco soon after.

I giggled happily.

Too bad they won't be here very long. I thought, frowning in my head.

[A couple minutes later]

Jordan passed out in the chair that he had pulled up, he ate too many tacos. He hadn’t even finished the one that was on his lap.

The other chair that had been next to me already Daisy had been sitting in.

She was smiling as she showed me the production of her Drama club.

It was a picture of the stage from Friday. It had white flowered vines coming off of the many flats on stage. Underneath the vines had been fake torches which looked real from afar. The flats were painted a mossy stone. Painted bushes with red roses laying against the flats. The stage was a medieval sort of style, it was very pretty though.

She had said that this week when they went back to school that they’d be working on their script more. The teacher had still been accepting auditions for characters in the play. 

The teacher producing the play had finally let Daisy take control around the stage. Stage manager. She told me she had been really excited.

I looked up at her eyes, seeing how they sparkled slightly as she spoke about Drama.

My heart skipped a beat.

I quickly glanced back at her phone. My face feeling a little hot.

Daisy lightly grabbed onto my hand when I wasn’t fully there.

My eyes widened as I looked down at my blanket. My other hand, which was covered in bandages, fidgeted with the covers.

I slowly closed my fingers onto her hand. Slightly smiling to myself.

I was so warm it was almost unbearable.

[Daisy POV]
Oh my god- Why is she being so cute- I think I’m dying. I thought, looking at Crystal fiddle with the blanket.

Her smile faded from her face and she leaned on me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I internally screamed.

“You’re gonna have to leave tomorrow you know.” She said, not showing much to react to.

“I know.” I said, glancing at Jordan then looking back down to Crystal. “How long will you be here?”

She twitched, as if she’d been thinking about it. Either that or she knew.

“I… I don’t know.” She said, her thumb picking at her index finger.

She’s lying. I thought, looking at her face. She’s too stubborn to actually tell me.

She leaned off of me. I had quickly lost her warmth. 

I folded my hands in my lap. Just sitting there, waiting for something to happen.

The air felt awkward and it hadn’t just been me who felt it.

The nurse that had been in here earlier with the doctor walked in, breaking the silence.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to still be awake.” She said, looking at me. “I just came in to help Crystal out of bed so I could change her bandages.”

I looked at Crystal. Her lip quivered. It must hurt changing them since they also have to clean the wounds. I thought to myself.

The nurse walked over to Crystal with a wheelchair rolling in front of her. Then she started to slowly help Crystal out of the bed, rolling the equipment that was next to the bed, her heart monitor and other things, with Crystal.

“She’ll be back in a bit.” The nurse said, giving me a smile.

I had just nodded at her, smiling back.

It was just quiet now, except for the clock ticking on the wall and Jordan’s soft breathing.

It was relatively dark in the room since it was no longer day time, I hated the dark. So I turned the tv on, quickly turning it down so I didn’t wake Jordan. I scrolled through the guide, looking for something that might catch my eye.

But after a bit, I fell asleep.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now