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⚠️TW: Mention of blood, and violence⚠️

[Daisy POV]

I punched Crystal’s dad as hard as I could. He fell backwards into the chair behind him. His face red and his lip bleeding. Crystal’s mom screamed and so did mine.

Jordan tried to pull me back from Isaiah but I pushed him down off of me. He squinted his eyes trying to hold off the pain he felt when he fell.

I continued punching Isaiah in the face until he started bleeding in general from his head.

I couldn’t control myself.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought, still seeing red. My face had been blank as I punched him.

“STOP PLEASE” Michelle pleaded. 

I looked at her as I had punched him once more.

I had walked towards her, dropping my bloody hand to my side.

Isaiah whimpered in the chair as he shakingly held his face.

“I can’t.” I said, my eyes piercing through her.

“You can. Stop.” I heard a cracking voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Crystal sitting up, staring at me.

My eyes lightened again.

“Crystal.. I-” My voice cracked as I tried to apologize. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t stop. I-” 

I saw Jordan holding Crystal’s left hand, he was faintly smiling as Crystal looked up at him. My mother was helping Isaiah out of the room to most likely get him medical assistance. Michelle was plopped in the chair behind me, almost sobbing. But yet she was only hiccuping. I looked at Crystal with only a couple of tears falling from my eyes.

I walked to the right side of her and she lifted her hand to my face. I held her hand onto my face, caressing her knuckles with my thumb.

“Are you okay?” Crystal asked, her voice soothing but broken.

I gasped a short laugh.

“I should be asking you that. I was just upset because who the fuck does that to their own kid?” I said, glancing down at her.

“Flower, I’m okay. Well, I will be. But we seriously need to get my bandages changed.” Crystal said, letting out a small giggle.

My heart fluttered hearing her laugh. 

“Yeah, we should.” I said, smiling down at her.

[Crystal POV]

I was scared. I didn’t know how to make her stop.

Daisy was beating my dad senseless. I somehow had stopped her. She pulled a chair over to the side of my bed earlier after they changed my bandages and now she’s asleep holding my hand. Surprisingly she’s holding it pretty tight for being asleep, it's like she's scared of letting go. She's so pretty. I pushed her hair behind her ear with my other hand. Jordan had been sleeping in the other chair across the room. My mom was with my dad in his hospital room and Daisy’s mom had gone to work. I hadn’t seen Jordan’s parents in awhile but though as much as I liked them I didn’t want to see them for how they’ve been treating Jordan lately.

Jordan’s phone went off. It's most likely his parents. It's been going off nonstop.

Either that or Jordan was dating someone and didn’t tell anyone.

Daisy moved in her sleep, leading her hand to intertwine with mine. 

“I’ll be out soon.” I said, leaning to kiss Daisy’s forehead. “I promise.”

I fell asleep to the silence in the room.

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