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[Short episode]

[Crystal POV]

I was staring at my hands deep in thought when I was suddenly taken out of it by the sound of my hospital door opening.

I sprung up, hoping it was Daisy coming back.

But it was Jordan who seemed full of glee as he closed the door.

He then quickly sat next to me and laid his elbows onto my bed while his head laid in his hands.

I glanced at Daisy's headphones and phone laying in Jordan's usual chair but then looked back at him.

"What?" I said, giving Jordan a playful glare. 

He grinned after I spoke, leaning his head slightly to the side. His eyes gleamed with excitement.

"You sly dog, Bloom!" He suddenly said, springing from his position to hug me.


I winced in pain as he hugged me tight.

"Whatttt? I didnt do anythingggg.." I said as he shook me lightly.

"You guys kissed! Omg you guys kissed!" He finally stopped shaking me and just laid his arms on top of my stomach.

I lightly blushed at remembering the incident.

"YOU LIKED IT!" He quickly said, moving once more, his hands gripped the side of my hospital bed.

I pushed him away playfully and laughed.

He smiled at me as he laid his head in his hand once again, giving me a soft look.

"What?" I said.

"I missed you." He softly said.

I smiled back at him. "I havent been gone for that long, have I?" I then laid my hand on his free one.

"You've been gone so long!" He pushed me away, laughing.

He looked over at his chair and saw Daisy's phone and her headphones.

"She got that flustered?" He stood up to go grab them.

I simply just nodded.

Jordan then handed me her phone and I looked at him confused.

"You should hold onto it for when she comes back." He said, sitting back down.

I held onto her phone and accidentally tapped the screen. It lit up to show her background. It was a picture of her and I, the picture had a heart in the upper left corner and the lower right corner.

It was a picture of us at Jordan's soccer game. I posed with a peace sign leaning on her shoulder, she had a slight blush while just smiling brightly at the camera.

I smiled at the wallpaper as it faded to black, showing my face in the dark screen.

I looked at it to see a large smile and my eyes were soft.

Is this how I'm seen? I thought, looking away from the screen to see Jordan smiling at me once again.

"You're so weird." I said, pushing his face away.

"Nuh uh! I'm gorgeous!" He said, confidently as he posed, making me laugh.

Jordan then fell asleep on the side of my bed while we were watching a movie.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now