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[Crystal POV]


My head hit the wall as spit flew from my mouth.

“DAD STOP PLEASE” I pleaded as tears shed from my face. I didn’t do anything. All I did was swear.

He kicked me once I fell on the ground. I saw his girlfriend in the background with a frightened look on her face as things started to become slowly blurry.

I tried to reach towards her but my dad stepped on my wrist harshly.

Why did I deserve this?

I want my mom.

I want Daisy.

I want Jordan.



My mind pleaded but my mouth never spoke the words as I was pulled off the ground quickly.

I couldn’t see what was happening.

I moved my hand toward the back of my head, only to see a dark liquid on my hand. Blood maybe? I can’t tell. The colors are gone.

I heard crying.

What's wrong?

Why’re you crying?

Did I do something? Is that why I can’t see? 

Where’s my dad? Anyone?

Please.. Help me see.

Are they okay?

I heard a car door open and then slam.

It sounded frantic.

I tried to open my eyes that were already partially open.

Dad? Why’re you crying?

What did I do?

I forget.

Then I fell asleep.

[Jordan POV]

I rushed into the hospital going straight towards the counter. I had tears flowing down my cheeks as I asked where Crystal’s room was.

They said down the hall around the corner.

Are you okay? Please be okay. I need you.

I almost ran into the wall as I turned the corner.

I could hear my sneakers squeaking the hall floor, while also in the background I could hear Michelle trying to catch me but just couldn’t.

I slammed the hospital room door open with a bang.

I then saw Isaiah in the chair staring at me with terror in his eyes.

I speed-walked his way and slapped him as hard as I could, making a clap sound echoing in the room.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” I said, my voice cracking from my tears and anger.

Isaiah stood up and tried to walk towards Crystal on the bed, which I blocked him before he could touch her.

“Back the fuck up.” I heard Michelle talk from the other side of the bed. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER.” She yelled.

I saw a few doctors peeking their heads in but ignored them.

I pushed Isaiah into the seat he was sitting in earlier and walked towards the side of Crystal’s bed across from Michelle.

Fast tears fell from Michelle as soon as she saw her daughter's condition.

Crystal was almost fully covered in bandages. Her face is half covered, half shown. The bandages were almost in need of changing. The parts of her arms that weren’t covered by bandages were covered in bruises that were very fresh.

Isaiah kept silent as he sat in the chair, knowing exactly what he had done. and feeling guilty about it.

Crystal’s hair was almost dyed with her own blood which was very noticeable with her blonde hair.

I pulled my phone out to send Daisy the location of the hospital, not really giving her context since my full attention was towards Crystal and her condition.

I then leaned on the side of her bed, waiting.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now