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[Daisy POV]

I instantly caught sight of the most beautiful blonde in the world. At least to me.

I clung to the side of the door, not making eye contact with either Jordan or Crystal. I gripped the door handle slightly tighter than I was before.

I glanced up to see Crystal's soft gaze on me, making my eyes flinch back down to the door handle.


Jordan spoke to me, their voice soft but full of annoyance. I looked up at them slightly, to see their eyes. The eyes that had once made the two girls fall to their knees in Middle school.

They did not work anymore. Not for Crystal and I. Their eyes were just beautiful now. A gaze that melted the friend's hearts as soft as they were even when they had been upset.

"Yes..?" I quietly said back, fixated on how Jordan had been looking at me. They looked at me with a hint of annoyance, just like their tone, but the hues on their face were perfectly calm.

Jordan suddenly got up from their chair and walked towards me, making me slightly flinch at the sudden movement, taking me away from their stare and the quiet blonde's stare as well.

"Come on, let's talk." Jordan said grabbing my forearm lightly. "We'll be back Crystal, I promise!" The excitement in their tone made the frown on Crystal's face quickly disappear.

The door then closed, leaving a silence between them and I.

"If you weren't ready why'd you come back?" Jordan said, placing a hand on their hip.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I laid my back on the cold hospital wall.

"I left my headphones and phone." My gaze never left the floor as I spoke, neither did my hand from my hair. "I feel that Crystal and I should talk when she gets out of here. Being here, seeing her in pain every time she gets up, it hurts me so much to see, so I'll take our space apart to figure out what exactly to say then."

Jordan moved from their stance as I removed my hand from my hair finally.

"I get it." Jordan smiled at me, they had crouched down to my knee level just so they could see my face since I wouldn't lift my gaze. "Take your time hun. I don't mean to push you. But she really misses you and it hasn't even been that long since the kiss."

I blushed at the mention of the kiss, I then crossed my arms, furrowing my brows.

"I hate when you call me Daisy so smoothly." I snickered quietly.

They stood back up quickly after I had laughed.

"I know, but you also hate every single nickname I give you." They laughed back. 

I lifted my gaze slowly and brushed some loose hair out of my face.

"I like Flower. Crystal started calling me it too." I smiled.

Jordan grabbed my hand lightly, then tapped it with the palm of their hand. Their smile being as sweet as they usually were when Jordan had comforted me.

I slipped out of their small grip on my hand and hugged them tightly, showing how much their comfort meant to me as a really touchy person.

I quietly spoke to them, still holding them in my grip, "Thank you. Tell her I'm not mad at her, I just need a bit.."

Jordan nodded in my neck as we continued to hug for a little longer.

[Jordan POV]

Daisy had let go of me a little after she told me what she wanted to say to Crystal.

I told her I'd get her phone and headphones then she could take her small break from the trio. 

The door creaked as I opened it, showing the quiet blonde as she looked at the background on Daisy's phone once more.

"Hey hun?" I spoke, leading to her turning her head towards me with a smile.

"What's up bud?" She said quietly, her voice slightly cracking at lack of water for a couple minutes.

"Flower wanted me to get her phone and headphones, that's what she came here for." I smiled, trying to turn Crystal's new-found frown upside down.

"Oh." Her voice cracked once more, but out of sadness this time. "Does she regret it?" She said, looking back down at the phone in her hands. The hands that had been pierced with light scars and small bandages.

Her hands usually had two rings on them, one on her right thumb and one on her left middle finger. Now they had nothing.

I moved my gaze up towards her eyes before speaking, "No, she's just not ready. Not yet anyway. She said she's not mad at you, in fact she probably just wants you to figure out your feelings before she can meet you eye to eye. Catch me?"

After speaking I moved towards Crystal to grab the items Daisy had left in such a rush.

She smiled lightly then handed me the phone, along with the headphones.

"I understand, tell her not to worry." She said, her gaze lit up slightly.

I nodded, walking towards the door.

Behind the door was the usually overwhelming joyful Daisy. She was laid back onto the wall, biting her nails, probably not noticing her actions until the door creaked from me opening it.

I smiled once more towards the originally black haired female before handing her her items.

"Thank you babes. I'll see you tomorrow! Daisy said, rushing towards the front doors of the hospital.

"Bye bye Flower." I said quietly as her figure escaped my eyes.

A frown escaped my lips before it went back to a smile.

Then I walked back into Crystal's room.

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