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[Timeskip a couple of weeks.]

I was in Lecture Hall in the middle of the day, listening to music, not doing the late work that I could've finished but didn't have the motivation to.

Daisy was sitting a row below me. She looked like she was having fun. I saw she turned on a playlist from Spotify. Specifically, the one I made for her. She smiles really big every time she plays the playlist even though it's nothing special really.
I made it for her on her birthday. Maybe that's why she likes it.

I realized I was spaced for too long on Daisy that I didn't hear the bell ring. Jordan who sat next to me nudged me. I then realized Daisy was walking towards us.

"Whatcha starin' at cutie?" Jordan said with a smirk leaning on the side of my chair.
I glared at him and then rolled my eyes.
Jordan scoffed as he leaned away from me, getting up and grabbing his bag then leaving for his next class.

Jordan and I dated when we were younger but we found out it just wasn't meant to be that way. We were just made to be friends. Daisy helped try to bring us together but it instead tore us apart from our romantic feelings for each other.

I got up grabbing my bag and when I looked up I saw Daisy waiting for me at the Lecture Hall exit. She was checking her phone. I'm guessing because of messages from her mom.

Daisy has Drama Club at the end of every day so it's normal to see her checking her phone most of the time. I was planning on joining the club but I couldn't since I have things to do at home after school. I was really upset when I couldn't join.

I walked up to Daisy and as I did she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and started walking with me to our next class. She put her phone in her pocket and started telling me about the play they were going to be doing. She knows I was excited about it so she's telling me every detail. I was a little glad to find out that she and I had Drama class together though.
Drama class and Drama club are completely different.
In the class, you play games, and a million other fun things. While in the club you figure out when you're going to be doing plays and when you're needed as either tech/crew or cast.

Then the bell rang making it the end of the school day.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now